Over the years, I’ve received messages from people all over the world who’ve gone vegan because of Bite Size Vegan content and speeches. I’ve heard from everyone from 5-year-olds to 75-year-olds, entire families, and even the most hard-core militant meat-eaters (in at least one case, an adamant hunter!) I will never cease to be amazed by these stories of change.
While my primary intention with Bite Size Vegan was to reach non-vegans, I’ve heard from existing vegans who have—through the content and resources—found the confidence to speak up and take action for the animals. This has increased the impact of my own efforts exponentially, and I’m so grateful to each and every person who has raised their voice.
Below are some of the stories of Bite Size Vegan's impact. You can filter the testimonials by clicking the category links. If Bite Size Vegan has made a difference in your life and you'd like to contribute your own testimonial, please do so via the contact form.