Is smoking vegan? It’s pretty clear by now that cigarettes are bad for your health, but are they objectionable from a vegan perspective? Let’s look into hidden ingredients, animal testing, worker conditions, and more!
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Take The eCourse NowDespite decades of debate, denial, and dubious behavior on the part of the tobacco industry regarding the potential dangers of cigarettes, it’s now generally agreed upon that smoking is bad for your health. Smoking damages nearly every organ in the body, causing strokes, coronary heart disease, respiratory diseases, a whole slew of cancers, and other deleterious effects.1 And while big tobacco has done its best to feign ignorance since the 40’s, we now know the answer to “Is smoking bad for you?” is a resounding yes. But a less-hotly debated question remains: is smoking vegan?
While being vegan is often associated with a level of health fanaticism approaching daily wheatgrass juice enemas and coffee colonics, the truth is, not everyone goes vegan for their health. There are junk food vegans, vegans who drink alcohol, and yes—even vegans who smoke.
But, can cigarettes be considered vegan? As usual, the answer to this question is more complex than it would first appear. I’m going to touch on the various areas of concern, but please refer to this article’s citations for more detailed information.
Animal Ingredients: Pig’s blood, Beeswax and Beaver Anal Sacs
The most basic measure of whether something is vegan or not is whether it contains animals or their byproducts. When we combine the myriad of ways we disguise animal byproducts with the close to 600 ingredients found in cigarettes,2 including arsenic, formaldehyde, lead, ammonia, acetone and other far less-pronounceable elements, it becomes rather difficult to ascertain if anything is animal-derived.
This issue was brought to a very public head back in 2010 when a press release, light on the facts but big on the sensation, claimed that cigarettes may contain pig’s blood.3 [tweet this] This revelation came from an artist Christien Meindertsma’s three-year-long project Pig 05049, which tracked and documented all of the ways one pig’s body was used post-slaughter, including in cigarette filters.4
Anti-smoking advocate Professor Simon Chapman of the University of Sydney saw this as an opportunity to use public outrage, particularly among Jewish, Muslim, vegetarian and vegan populations, to bring to light “concerns that ingredients such as additives or processing aids used in tobacco products are virtually unregulated and non-transparent.”5
After creating the press release, the story went viral and built into quite a frenzy, with Iranian officials calling it a Zionist conspiracy6 and tobacco companies churning out denials left and right. The truth of the matter is far less titillating. In 1997 a Greek tobacco company set out to create a healthier cigarette, using pig’s blood in the filter to mitigate toxins. The resulting BioFilter led the company to second place in the Greek tobacco industry, though every scientific study to evaluate these claims found them to be patently false,7 and in 2002 Greece finally outlawed their “healthier smoking” claims. As far as I can tell, the filters are still on the market and I have link below to the company’s website with more information.8
There are also at least two other animal-derived ingredients in cigarettes, which are far more regularly employed: beeswax and castoreum. Beeswax is rather self-explanatory and you can see my videos here on the vegan-ness of bee products for more information. Castoreum, used in cigarettes to lend a sweet, smoky flavor, is another matter entirely.
Castoreum, the source of artificial raspberry, vanilla and strawberry flavors, is an extract made from the dried, ground up anal sacs located by the anal glands of beavers. Castoreum be added to foods such as gums, alcohol, candy and baked goods. Castoreum is harvested by killing beavers and cutting out their castor glands,9 making it a most definitively un-vegan ingredient.
So when it comes to animals in your smokes, bees and beaver butts are more likely than pigs blood, but just as un-vegan. [tweet this]
The Animal Toll of Tobacco Farming
Now I’ll just speak very briefly to the concern of animals killed during tobacco farming and harvesting. While we should strive for pesticide-free, sustainable farming, with any crop, field animals are going to be unintentionally harmed and killed in the farming and harvesting process. We have to eat but we don’t have to smoke, so the animals killed by tobacco farming are entirely avoidable deaths.
Animal Testing and the Tobacco Industry
And now, to the heavy-hitter of the vegan cigarette debate: animal testing.[tweet this] I have a four-part video series on animal testing which goes into greater detail about the inefficacy of animal tests, why we are still conducting them, how they endanger and even kill humans, and what viable alternatives exist, which I’ve linked up here and below if you want to delve deeper into this matter.
Perhaps the most insane aspect of animal testing as a whole is its complete and utter lack of credible results. It’s no secret that our bodies differ greatly from other species, and so, it follows, would our reactions to stimuli and toxins.
In regards to tobacco specifically, Dr. C Ray Greek of Americans for Medical Advancement states that “Animal experiments failed notoriously to demonstrate a smoking-cancer connection for over half a century…If the greatest killer of our time was promoted by physicians based on animal experiments, there is obviously something terminally wrong with the system.”10
A 2015 paper drawing on more than 50 recent toxicology studies, demonstrated the superiority of widely available modern, non-animal models over inaccurate animal tests for measuring the toxicity of tobacco products.11 In 2012, the U.S. Congress even stated that “there is significant scientific evidence that animals are poor models for the testing of tobacco products used by humans.”12
Unlike all medications, tobacco products are not required to undergo animal testing. The UK, Germany, Belgium and other countries even banned their usage and Canada requires only in vitro studies, meaning on a cellular level rather than on whole living animals.13
Even the tobacco industry’s own studies have concluded that “in vitro toxicology tests can be successfully used both for better understanding the biological activity of cigarette smoke… and for guiding the development of cigarettes with reduced toxicity.”14 Despite this fact, tobacco companies, government agencies,15 the American Cancer Society, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, among other organization and, yes, even anti-smoking groups continue to test cigarettes on animals.
The citations and bibliography at the base of this post contain several articles and studies that catalog, describe, and demonstrate the myriad of horrifying animal tobacco tests—we’ll16 only cover a few explicitly in this article.
Direct Smoking Tests
Perhaps the most visually shocking type of tobacco testing are the direct smoking tests, made famous in 1975 by undercover Sunday People reporter Mary Beith in her expose known as “The Smoking Beagles.” Beith got a position in an Imperial Chemical Industries laboratory where 48 beagles were restrained with straightjackets, placed into what Beith described as “medieval stocks” and fitted with tubed masks which forcibly pumped cigarette smoke into their lungs day in and day out for up to three years for some of the dogs. Beith reported that, “when they have finished their smoking stint the dogs are killed and sent to pathology laboratories to be cut up and examined for signs of cancer, liver or heart diseases or other possible effects. Some of the dogs have acquired a smoker’s cough judging from the sounds I heard.”17
The images Beith captured sparked global outrage, yet only two of the 48 beagles were rescued in a technically illegal act of liberation by activist Mike Huskisson and an unnamed partner in the early days of the Animal Liberation Front.18
While not garnering the same level of disgust from the public, direct smoking tests on mice and rats are just as horrifying. Their entire bodies are crammed into tiny canisters that pump smoke directly into their noses for six or more hours a day up to two years.19
Direct smoking tests can also involve tracheotomies. In a 2001 study at the Oregon National Primate Research Center involving sixty-seven pregnant Rhesus macaque monkeys, half of the monkeys had tubes surgically implanted in order to subject them to a continuous flow of nicotine for the last four months of their pregnancies. Five days before the mothers reached full term, the experimenters cut out, killed and dissected the fetuses of all 67 mothers.20
These kind of experiments are still being carried out on mice, rats, beagles, monkeys, apes, and other sentient beings. [see all studies below] They are not required by law, have no scientific validity and they even endanger humans with the cross-species application of their results, and are all for a product that is not only completely unnecessary but also deadly to consumers and damaging to the environment.
The Environmental Impact of Smoking
Speaking to the environmental impact of smoking, around 5.6 trillion cigarette butts are dumped into the environment every year. When these butts land in water or on the soil, all of the chemicals and carcinogenic ingredients we discussed creates leachates, a toxic soup that poisons fish and other wildlife.21
The Harm to Companion Animals: Second-Hand Smoke
Of course smoking also affects one’s home environment as well. A series of studies at Tufts University and Colorado State University found that second hand smoke is just as harmful to companion animals as it is humans. Cats living with smokers are twice as likely to develop malignant lymphoma, and dogs living with smokers develop cancers of the nose and sinus area, all of which are terminal within a year.22
The Human Cost of Tobacco: Child Labor and Worker Toxicity Exposure
And then there’s the human cost of tobacco farming. Green Tobacco Sickness (GTS) is caused by the constant exposure of workers to the nicotine of the plants, which is absorbed through their skin.23 This is exacerbated in the case of child workers and child labor is a major issue within America’s tobacco farming. While several countries, including major tobacco producers such as Brazil and India, prohibit children under 18 from working on tobacco farms, in the US children as young as 12 work in fields for 50 to 60 hours a week in extreme heat and with ongoing exposure to pesticides and nicotine.24
The Health Consequences of Smoking
And of course, there are the health consequences, which may or may not even be an inherently vegan issue, and which is thoroughly documented elsewhere. If you are a smoker and want to stop for any reason, please see the list of resources to quit smoking below for support.
In Closing…
I hope that this video has been helpful. I’d love to hear your thoughts- do you think smoking can be considered vegan? If you were a smoker who went vegan, did you quit? Are you a vegan smoker now? Are you a non-vegan smoker wanting to go vegan but overwhelmed that now you have to ditch the cigarettes too? [If so, personally, I’d say focus on the meat, dairy, eggs and honey first and then tackle big tobacco.]
The time it to produce this video clocks in at around 52 hours. If you’d like to help support Bite Size Vegan so I can keep putting hours to bring you this educational resources, please check out the support page where you can give a one-time donation or receive perks and rewards for your support by joining the Nugget Army.
If you enjoyed this video, please share it around to help inform others!
— Emily Moran Barwick
louise says
Are Vaccine n immunisation s vegan?
Sue says
Smoking is obviously not good for us, but how many people are being injected with vaccines? THAT is a direct product from animals, not only in the testing, but in the ingredients (including dog and monkey kidneys, cows’, horses’, and sheep’s blood, mouse brains, army worms, to name a few – and then there’s the aborted human fetus cells AND, it is even more destructive than smoking, because it is injected directly into the body, bypassing all the natural defense systems.
Back in the 50’s and 60’s when cigarettes were being advertised on TV, and even doctors were televised recommending them, few people knew the damage and death smoking causes.
There is so much that is still being withheld from the public. Do away with vivisection, period.
louise says
Mohawk n other native cultures have,had herb tea birth control ,which made illegal by all religions
Which supply masses of slaves to businesses who return favor by paying priests n pays to build intimidating power tripping synagogues temples cathedrals etc,see book Saharasia,twenty five pages chapter devoted to worldwide native birth control herb teas also mucus method fr Dr Billings
Charlotte says
Not so much about smoking (I don’t smoke) but about the broader use of castoreum: I read in various places that while it is used in the perfume industry, it’s barely used at all in the food industry as it’s hard to come by and therefore expensive – which makes sense given where it comes from – and synthetic flavourings are far more common. Thoughts?
Emily Moran Barwick (BiteSizeVegan) says
I haven’t looked in to this extensively as far as it’s current range of usage.
Anna says
I don’t see any issues with smoking cigs that aren’t tested on animals or with growing your own tobacco and smoking that. You can be vegan and still smoke.
Jessica says
How about cigars?
I can’t seem to find anything about possible animal ingredients in cigars…
Ricardo says
I am curious about cigars as well, they are entirely different from cigarettes, in essence, just bundled up leaves of tobacco.
whistle root says
ok so I’ve been a vegan for about a year, and ive been smoking cigs for almost 8 years. I’ve tried to quit before (watching youtube videos about health risks, etc.) and i never could do it because i’m completely oblivious to the fragility and needs of my body. BUT tonight, I thought, “wait, are cigs vegan???” and i found this video………and now, after seeing those animal testing photos and learning about beaver’s anal sacks……im done. i quit immediately. completely done. thank you so much for this video!
Victoria says
Vegan for 8 years. Activist for 6 years. Off and on tobacco smoker for 13 years.
I’m 22 days clean. I’ve quit many times before- but this time is different. I’m never going back. I have been feeling that with a small bit of doubt and reminding myself to think “one day at a time” however that’s been my mentality quitting in the past and eventually the day comes that I decide to give up/in. This article hit home SO much harder because I’m sober. And know I can continue to be. When I was smoking, I knew that cigarettes might not be vegan… but I couldn’t really look at the info because I was so scared of my addiction that I couldn’t be sure of the truth.
I’m sharing this testimony because it’s similar to why I was vegetarian for SO MANY years as an animal lover… I was so addicted to dairy and didn’t think I could have a normal life without it. Once I took a 22 day plant-based challenge with my friend and towards the end of that saw ‘dairy is scary’ and even though I kind of knew that info prior… Now I really could understand. Haven’t had dairy in over 8 years and will not ever again in my life. Same goes for tobacco.
Be kind to other humans who are seemingly slow to get things. I was that hypocritical vegetarian.
I’ve been arrested for animals rights and have been active for animal liberation for 6 years. I took the liberation pledge 4 years ago. I have influenced over 20 people to go vegan- including 3 family members (Oklahoma folks at that’s) Most of those 6 years I was smoking…
now 22 days without… I read this article. And I am able to receive it. I wouldn’t have been able to receive it a year ago… when I believed I would not be able to function without cigarettes.
Emily Moran Barwick says
Victoria, thank you so much for taking the time to share your journey away from smoking. I think for ALL of us, it’s a constant evolution of understanding more and more all the ways we exploit other animals. There’s always more to learn, become aware of, and adjust to. None of us have ever “arrived.” It’s always an ongoing process. And what you describe about being kind to others who are “in process” themselves is something I really dug into in “Should Vegans Empathize with Meat-Eaters“.
Thank you for your activism and advocacy. And again for taking the time to share this—we all learn so much from one another’s experiences.