Your Support Makes Right-to-Know Resources Free for All!
Founded upon the belief that everyone deserves open access to solid, factual information on issues impacting their health, our planet, society, and the lives of other sentient beings, all of Bite Size Vegan’s educational content, resources, and speeches are provided completely free of charge.
Bite Size Vegan relies entirely on the generous support of viewers and readers like you to continue its mission.
Your contribution helps cover the ongoing costs of a digital-media-based educational nonprofit, including ample data storage and management demands, and ongoing server, software, hardware, and website development and maintenance costs, as well as operational expenses.
Why Your Support Is Vital
Bite Size Vegan fills a unique space in vegan activism and advocacy of bringing together the accessibility of engaging social-media content with the integrity and depth of research-backed, transparently-cited educational information.
Everything Bite Size Vegan provides is completely free: all of the videos, articles, and downloads are open to all, and speeches are delivered free of charge. All of the content and resources are purposefully tailored to modern methods of information consumption to increase access to right-to-know information that is otherwise buried under mountains of information, disinformation and misinformation, hidden behind paywalls, or requiring more time and/or research experience than many individuals have or can afford.
Because the issues surrounding and inherent to veganism are so important—yet so easily and quickly rejected—it’s vital that I present well-researched and documented information, which of course takes ample time and effort to produce!
With no paid staff, Bite Size Vegan truly relies entirely on the generous support of viewers and readers like you to continue its mission. If you’d like to learn more, please see the Donation FAQs below.
What Is the Impact?
Bite Size Vegan content has reached people in at least 224 Countries or Regions, been translated into at least 60 languages, and been used in classrooms in multiple US states as well as internationally. As of May 23, 2020, individuals around world have cumulatively spent 149 years, 29 days watching Bite Size Vegan educational content. Emily Moran Barwick has delivered speeches around the United States and internationally, writing and tailoring each individually to suit the specific audience.
From Emily: Over the years, I’ve received messages from people all over the world who’ve gone vegan because of Bite Size Vegan content and speeches. I’ve heard from everyone from 5-year-olds to 75-year-olds, entire families, and even the most hard-core militant meat-eaters (and in at least one case, adamant hunter!) I will never cease to be amazed by these stories of change.
While my primary intention with Bite Size Vegan was to reach non-vegans, I’ve heard from existing vegans who have—through the videos—found the confidence to speak up and take action for the animals. This has increased the impact of my own efforts exponentially, and I’m so grateful to each and every person who has raised their voice.
The best metric for Bite Size Vegan’s impact are these stories of change (opens in new tab).