Growing up Autistic, I believe my difficulties with communication strengthened my empathy for animals. It broke my heart that no matter how desperately and clearly they communicated their terror and pain, they were ignored and discounted.
Recommended Posts for individuality of non-human animals
Did you know that pigs can play video games, smell things 5-7 miles away, recognize human faces, and solve multiple-choice questions? Prepare to have your porcine preconceptions punctured with ten surprising facts about pigs.
10 Surprising Facts About Pigs
I have five months to live. So I’ll try to be quick. I’ll share my journey with you until the end. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
5 Months To Live | Draw My Life
I was taken from my mother at birth. I’m trying to remember her. This is my story. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
Kidnapped At Birth | Draw My Life
I’ve traveled for 36 hours without water. It’s the dead of summer. I’m so thirsty. This is my story. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
36 Hours Without Water | Draw My Life
It’s time now. I have nothing left to give. I’m empty and ruined. This is my story. My beginning and my end. This is my final breakdown. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
My Final Breakdown | Draw My Life
I long to be empty. I ache with fullness. I can’t take any more. It’s getting harder to move. Harder to breathe. Harder to live. I hunger for hunger itself. This is my story. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
Never Known Hunger | Draw My Life
This video will open your eyes to the truth about our food industry. Come face to face with the real-life impact of your dietary choices. See where (and who) your food comes from.
Open Your Eyes
No one should have survived this. This short documentary captures an incredible rescue. Visit the crash site, come along on the search for survivors, and watch the impossible take place.
Alive by Accident | Part One – Impossible Rescue
Bestiality. Even the word itself is a taboo! Most people think bestiality is some rare perversion in the darkest corners of the Internet. But what if bestiality is actually a part of your everyday life?
Sex With Animals: The Blurred Lines of Bestiality
An unlikely story of how a fatal crash saved eight lives. An accident, however brutal and horrifying, is a miracle of sorts—if you're on the way to your execution. Meet the survivors—each an individual in their own right.
Alive by Accident | Part Two – The Survivors
How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let's explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism
Humans have long used our ability to experience complex emotions to distinguish ourselves from other animals. But is this ability really isolated to our species? And if non-human animals do have the capacity to emote, what does that say about how we treat them?
Do Animals Grieve?
Ever wonder why vegans are so sensitive about things? Or why we seem to overreact so often? As a vegan, I’ve made this video in an attempt to show non-vegans what we see that makes as behave as we do. This is not a judgment and it’s not graphic. It’s simply me sharing what I see
What Vegans See | A Post for Non-Vegans
This captivating interview explores society's detachment towards animals and the cost of selectively severing our empathy. Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu draws thought-provoking parallels between our treatment of animals and psychopathy, highlighting the transformative power of reconnecting with empathy.
The “Psychopathy” of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu
Discover the ONE THING that bacon-lovers and vegans have in common in my reaction to BuzzFeed’s viral video! What could possibly overcome the rivalry of the lovers-of-bacon and the praisers-of-plants?
BACON Lovers & VEGANS Unite!? | BuzzFeed Reaction
When Holocaust survivors speak, we should listen. In this video, survivors and their families share hard-earned lessons and shed light onto a deeper meaning of "Never Again".
Holocaust Survivors Speak: Lessons From The Death Camps
The Renaissance was a time of innovation and revolution within art, architecture, politics, science, astronomy, literature, and—veganism? Learn how the rise of humanistic individuality led to the acknowledgement of non-humans as individuals as well.
Vegans In The Renaissance | The History of Veganism Part Three
How far back does veganism reach? Is veganism a modern-day invention, or were there vegans in ancient times? In this first edition of The History of Veganism series, we start from the very beginning.
Vegans In Ancient Times | The History of Veganism Part One
The killing of Cecil the lion by American dentist Walter Palmer has created a worldwide uproar of disgust, anger, and indignation. But how different are Palmer’s actions from the everyday actions of the majority of the world’s population?
In Defense of Cecil The Lion’s Killer
The Yulin dog eating festival sparks enragement and controversy every year with a strong global outcry for its banishment. But, in all honesty, is it really that bad? How is it any different than what every other country is doing every single day?
Why the Yulin Dog Meat Festival ISN’T A BIG DEAL!
The numbers in this video are shocking. We are great at counting calories, measuring profits, quantifying just about anything. But when it comes to knowing our impact on other beings, we fall short. How many animals do we eat every year?
How Many Animals Do We Kill Every Year?
Do fish feel pain? Fish are often relegated to a somewhat sub-animal status. They are hard to relate to and not as emotionally expressive as other animals. But does this mean they don’t feel?
Do Fish Feel Pain?
Speciesism is the assumption of human superiority leading to the exploitation of animals. It is the false belief that non-human animals do not have nor deserve the same rights as we humans. It is the oldest form of discrimination on this planet
Speciesism: The Original Discrimination | ft. Gary Yourofsky
Recent developments at both the state and federal level are changing the legal classification of animals and animal cruelty—giving animals rights once only relegated to humans and deeming animal cruelty a top-tier felony.
BREAKING NEWS In Animal Rights! FBI Re-Defines Cruelty
Meet the cow who beat all odds. He escaped slaughter and now lives free on SASHA Farm animal sanctuary. Sanctuaries are so vital to the animal rights movement. They are safe houses for refugees, providing shelter, food, water, and , most importantly, freedom.
Cow Escapes Slaughterhouse & Finds Sanctuary At SASHA Farm
If you've ever said "I respect your choice to be vegan, so you should respect my choice to eat meat," please watch this video. Is eating meat, dairy and eggs a choice? And should it be equally respected as the choice to be vegan?
Is Eating Animals A Personal Choice?
All Posts for individuality of non-human animals
The “Psychopathy” of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu
This captivating interview explores society’s detachment towards animals and the cost of selectively severing our empathy. Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu draws thought-provoking parallels between our treatment of animals and psychopathy, highlighting the transformative power of reconnecting with empathy.
Read more about The “Psychopathy” of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu -
Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan?
Is horse riding cruel? Can vegans ride horses? The ethics of horse riding remains an extremely controversial and divisive topic. Dive deep into the debate and learn why the question of whether riding hurts horses distracts from the more important ethical issues of horse use.
Read more about Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan? -
How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism
How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let’s explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
Read more about How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism -
10 Surprising Facts About Pigs
Did you know that pigs can play video games, smell things 5-7 miles away, recognize human faces, and solve multiple-choice questions? Prepare to have your porcine preconceptions punctured with ten surprising facts about pigs.
Read more about 10 Surprising Facts About Pigs -
The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers
We have long acknowledged cruelty towards animals as an indicator of psychopathy. Yet slaughterhouse workers are paid and expected to carry out what amounts to torture upon thousands of sentient beings, day in and day out. How could that not have an effect?
Read more about The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers -
How Autism Connects Me With Animals
Growing up Autistic, I believe my difficulties with communication strengthened my empathy for animals. It broke my heart that no matter how desperately and clearly they communicated their terror and pain, they were ignored and discounted.
Read more about How Autism Connects Me With Animals