All Posts for individuality of non-human animals
Do Vegans Kill Bugs? | Gary Yourofsky Interview
What is the vegan stance on insects? Do they have rights? How “far” do you take veganism? In this interview, vegan activist Gary Yourosfky elaborates on the ethical aspects of our relationship with bugs and shares his own experience and aversions.
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BREAKING NEWS In Animal Rights! FBI Re-Defines Cruelty
Recent developments at both the state and federal level are changing the legal classification of animals and animal cruelty—giving animals rights once only relegated to humans and deeming animal cruelty a top-tier felony.
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Cow Escapes Slaughterhouse & Finds Sanctuary At SASHA Farm
Meet the cow who beat all odds. He escaped slaughter and now lives free on SASHA Farm animal sanctuary. Sanctuaries are so vital to the animal rights movement. They are safe houses for refugees, providing shelter, food, water, and , most importantly, freedom.
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Is Eating Animals A Personal Choice?
If you’ve ever said “I respect your choice to be vegan, so you should respect my choice to eat meat,” please watch this video. Is eating meat, dairy and eggs a choice? And should it be equally respected as the choice to be vegan?
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Is Wool Vegan? Is it Humane?
Is wool vegan? Isn’t it just like shaving your legs or trimming your beard? This is a common question about veganism and an important topic to address. Does the wool industry really align with vegan ideals?
Read more about Is Wool Vegan? Is it Humane?