All Posts for egg industry
The Last Day Of Your Life
Today is the day you die. You have right now. This very moment. And nothing more. I’d like to tell you it will be peaceful. I’d like to tell you there’s nothing to fear. But today, on the last day of your life. I WILL NOT LIE TO YOU.
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The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Slam Poem
This is the greatest lie ever told. Whispered to us as children. A deception so deeply entrenched in our collective unconscious we buy into it without question. Become complicit in its propagation. This is the lie we tell ourselves. Listen closely. Unlearning isn’t easy.
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My Final Breakdown | Draw My Life
It’s time now. I have nothing left to give. I’m empty and ruined. This is my story. My beginning and my end. This is my final breakdown. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
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Europe’s Dark Secret: Eye Opening Speech!
“It’s only like that in America”. The United States consistently plays the role of scapegoat on the international stage. But are European standards for the treatment of animals and regulation of the environmental impact of animal agriculture really any better?
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Why Vegans FLIP OUT!
Why do vegans flip out at the slightest provocation? Why are we so sensitive and quick to jump down people’s throats? Why do we have to be so annoying and self-righteous?
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Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
Is it okay to eat eggs from backyard or rescued chickens? If chickens are well cared for, what’s the harm in eating their eggs? A new dietary group called “Veggans” believes that eating eggs can be ethical and healthy.
Read more about Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!