THANK YOU! You are awesome. my awkwardness knows no bounds, for your “reward” (very tongue-in cheek), check out my killer dance moves as I celebrate our vegan victory of reaching the pledge goal for the Double-Your-Money-Direct-Donation-December-Drive!
As a big thank you and because my awkwardness knows no bounds, it’s time for some sweet, sweet victory…dancing! You’ve seen me educate, you’ve seen me masticate and now it’s time to see me gyrate.
If you’re wondering just why it is I’m preparing to bust a move, back in the beginning of December I announced that an incredibly generous anonymous donor stepped forward and offered a 1:1 match of one time donations to Bite Size Vegan up to $1000 until December 31st. i also said that if we reached that goal i would do a victory dance and post it on the channel. So that’s what this lovely little nugget is all about.
Aside from the “gift” of my killer moves, let me say thank you to everyone who was a part of the Double-Your-Money-Direct-Donation-December-Drive. I am still amazed that people even open their eyes to watch my videos, much less open their wallets to help support Bite Size Vegan’s activism.
I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you who watch my videos. You make what I do possible. And together we can make a difference for the animals.
Be sure to check out the video for my epic moves. Thank you again for all of your support. To get in on the giving and help support the educational activism of Bite Size Vegan, you can always give a one-time donation or join the growing community that is the Nugget Army over on Patreon where you’ll receive perks and rewards for the monthly donation of your choice starting at as little as a dollar. And don’t worry, watching me dance is not a requirement of donating.
Now go live vegan, do a victory dance of your own, and I’ll see you soon!
— Emily Moran Barwick
Kathy says
Hi, I signed up to receive the free e-book and it brought me back to your website and said to click here for the e-book, but when I did that, it asked me to sign up again. I can’t figure out how to get the e-book. Could you send it to me? Thanks.
Emily Moran Barwick (BiteSizeVegan) says
i’ll send you an email soon!