What is vegan leather made of? In this guide to vegan leather alternatives, learn about the growing number of plant-based and bioleathers, the history of synthetic leather, and the debate over whether any leather alternative is truly sustainable.
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Need some quick and easy vegan egg substitutes for baking? Don’t have the time, money, availability, or desire to use a pre-made vegan egg substitute? Try these 15 easy at-home egg substitutes from today’s vegan quick tip.
15 Easy Egg Substitutes | Vegan Quick Tip
Epic meal time vegan style! think a vegan diet is limited and boring? worried about missing your favorite foods? Does going vegan sound like being sentenced to a lifetime of salads? Prepare yourself for some mind-blowing recipes you won’t believe are vegan.
SCREW Salad! Vegan Epic Meal Time!
All Posts for vegan substitutes
A Guide to Vegan Leather & Sustainable Vegan Leather Alternatives
What is vegan leather made of? In this guide to vegan leather alternatives, learn about the growing number of plant-based and bioleathers, the history of synthetic leather, and the debate over whether any leather alternative is truly sustainable.
Read more about A Guide to Vegan Leather & Sustainable Vegan Leather Alternatives -
Kids! Say NO WAY To ZOO DAY!!!
This video is for kids and adults alike. If you’re like me, you LOVE animals! Going to the zoo can be really exciting. Today we’re going to talk about why even though it may be fun for you and me, the zoo isn’t a happy place for the animals.
Read more about Kids! Say NO WAY To ZOO DAY!!! -
The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming
Most people are against factory farming—but what about grass-fed, free-range, humane? Nowhere is animal agriculture more idealized than the rolling green landscape of Ireland. Let’s take a close look at the very best we have to offer and see if the ideals live up to their promise.
Read more about The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming -
Vegan Food & Euphemisms At The Farmers Market
Join me at the farmers market for a tour of tasty vegan food—like farm-fresh local produce, pizza and cookies—and all the organic, free-range, cage-free, pasture-raised humane goodness you could ask for!
Read more about Vegan Food & Euphemisms At The Farmers Market -
How To Eat Vegan On $4 A Day | Recipes & Resources
“Eating vegan doesn’t have to be expensive. See how to have a full day of healthy vegan meals for under $4! Follow these recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert at a grand total of $3.75” – Ellen Jaffe Jones
Read more about How To Eat Vegan On $4 A Day | Recipes & Resources -
Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight
Why are school serving kids lethal lunches while refusing to offer healthy alternatives? 14-year-old vegan activist Lila Copeland speaks about her taking on the school board and the fight for kids’ right to health.
Read more about Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight