All Posts for heart health
The Dangers of Vegan Health Claims | Matt Ruscigno Returns
Are vegan health claims dangerous to the overall vegan message? In this follow-up to my last interview with Registered Dietitian Matt Ruscigno, we discuss the often exaggerated claims about the health benefits of a vegan diet.
Read more about The Dangers of Vegan Health Claims | Matt Ruscigno Returns -
The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon
A shocking expose on the deep corruption, shameless lies, and illegal activities of the egg Industry in the United States. You won’t believe the lengths the American Egg Board, USDA, and egg industry as a whole will go to for a profit.
Read more about The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon -
Deadly Nutrition: The REAL Dietary Killers | Dr. Michael Greger
When it comes to our health and nutrition, we tend to always worry most about what we’re not getting ENOUGH of when what is killing us is what we’re getting TOO MUCH of.
Read more about Deadly Nutrition: The REAL Dietary Killers | Dr. Michael Greger -
Why Eggs Are GROSS!!! [For Kids!]
This video is for kids! [but adults can watch too] Today we’re going to talk about why eggs are super GROSS and why they’re really bad for your body and the chickens they come from. You may never look at breakfast the same.
Read more about Why Eggs Are GROSS!!! [For Kids!] -
5 Reasons We Don’t Eat Meat (For Kids!)
This video is for kids and anyone who loves animals! Today we’ll talk all about meat and 5 reasons not to eat it. There are a LOT of reasons, but we will focus on: the animals, your health, the environment, and world hunger. Now, let’s learn how you can make a huge difference by not eating meat!
Read more about 5 Reasons We Don’t Eat Meat (For Kids!) -
Is Birth Control Vegan?
Is birth control vegan? Are there animal bits in your naughty bits? Believe it or not, most birth control methods are not vegan as they are either tested on animals, contain animal products, or both. I run you through the most common methods.
Read more about Is Birth Control Vegan?