All Posts for heart health
Can Doctors Be Trusted for Nutritional Guidance? | Gary Yourofsky
If a vegan diet is really so healthy, why do doctors, nutritionist, and even the government keep recommending animal products? Can these professionals be trusted to provide sound nutritional guidance?
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Vegan vs. Vegetarian
What is the difference between veganism and vegetarianism? Is vegetarianism really a healthy, animal-friendly and moral way of living? Join Gary Yourofsky and me for a closer look at the critical differences between these two ways of life.
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Why Vegans Have Better Sex & How You Can Too!
Is vegan sex really better? Can your diet affect your sex drive? Am i in a relationship? Would i date a non-vegan? Find out that and more in today’s vegan Q&A.
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The Human Cost of Animal Testing
Perhaps the most perverse aspect of the animal testing debate is the fact that not only does animal testing not advance medicine—it actually harms and, in many cases, kills the humans it’s said to benefit.
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Go Vegan for Health | Vegan Health and Weight Loss
Vegans, on the whole, experience remarkably less heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, strokes, obesity, asthma, high blood pressure, large bowel disorders, gallstones, various cancers, coronary artery disease, osteoperosis, kidney disease, and dementia, among other diseases.
Read more about Go Vegan for Health | Vegan Health and Weight Loss