Wonder how to get enough calcium in a dairy-free vegan diet? Does milk really keep our bones strong? In this interview, Dr. Michael Greger explains the health benefits of plant-based calcium sources while exposing the health dangers of dairy.
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Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan?
Is horse riding cruel? Can vegans ride horses? The ethics of horse riding remains an extremely controversial and divisive topic. Dive deep into the debate and learn why the question of whether riding hurts horses distracts from the more important ethical issues of horse use.
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Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight
Why are school serving kids lethal lunches while refusing to offer healthy alternatives? 14-year-old vegan activist Lila Copeland speaks about her taking on the school board and the fight for kids’ right to health.
Read more about Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight -
300 lb VEGAN NFL Football Player?! | David Carter Interview
Defensive lineman David Carter was a meat-eating, milk-guzzling, BBQ-loving football player. About the furthest from vegan you could find. Then he saw a documentary and everything changed.
Read more about 300 lb VEGAN NFL Football Player?! | David Carter Interview -
How to Get Vitamin D on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of Nutritionfacts.org
For most people, sun exposure alone is not enough to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D. With many dietary sources being animal-based, how do you get enough vitamin D on a vegan diet? In this interview, Dr. Michael Greger explains how to ensure adequate vitamin D levels.
Read more about How to Get Vitamin D on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of Nutritionfacts.org -
How to Get Calcium on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of Nutritionfacts.org
Wonder how to get enough calcium in a dairy-free vegan diet? Does milk really keep our bones strong? In this interview, Dr. Michael Greger explains the health benefits of plant-based calcium sources while exposing the health dangers of dairy.
Read more about How to Get Calcium on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of Nutritionfacts.org -
Go Vegan for Health | Vegan Health and Weight Loss
Vegans, on the whole, experience remarkably less heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, strokes, obesity, asthma, high blood pressure, large bowel disorders, gallstones, various cancers, coronary artery disease, osteoperosis, kidney disease, and dementia, among other diseases.
Read more about Go Vegan for Health | Vegan Health and Weight Loss