All Posts for bacon
5 Reasons We Don’t Eat Meat (For Kids!)
This video is for kids and anyone who loves animals! Today we’ll talk all about meat and 5 reasons not to eat it. There are a LOT of reasons, but we will focus on: the animals, your health, the environment, and world hunger. Now, let’s learn how you can make a huge difference by not eating meat!
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Why the Yulin Dog Meat Festival ISN’T A BIG DEAL!
The Yulin dog eating festival sparks enragement and controversy every year with a strong global outcry for its banishment. But, in all honesty, is it really that bad? How is it any different than what every other country is doing every single day?
Read more about Why the Yulin Dog Meat Festival ISN’T A BIG DEAL! -
How to Be Vegan in the Military | Sergeant Alexander Contreras
Being vegan in the military certainly isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish, but it is possible. Sgt. Alexander Contreras shares his own experience and how he stayed vegan in the army and how his superiors and fellow soldiers reacted.
Read more about How to Be Vegan in the Military | Sergeant Alexander Contreras -
What Vegans See | A Post for Non-Vegans
Ever wonder why vegans are so sensitive about things? Or why we seem to overreact so often? As a vegan, I’ve made this video in an attempt to show non-vegans what we see that makes as behave as we do. This is not a judgment and it’s not graphic. It’s simply me sharing what I see
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Can Doctors Be Trusted for Nutritional Guidance? | Gary Yourofsky
If a vegan diet is really so healthy, why do doctors, nutritionist, and even the government keep recommending animal products? Can these professionals be trusted to provide sound nutritional guidance?
Read more about Can Doctors Be Trusted for Nutritional Guidance? | Gary Yourofsky -
Do Vegans Kill More Animals Than Meat-Eaters?
Does a vegan diet lead to more animal deaths than an omnivorous one? Is it true that harvesting crops for vegans kills more animals than farming grass-fed beef? It’s time for vegans to take a long, hard look at their lifestyles and choose the path that is truly more ethical.
Read more about Do Vegans Kill More Animals Than Meat-Eaters?