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Vegan In Venezuela On $30 A Month!
Think being vegan has to be expensive? Think it’s only possible in “privileged” countries? My guests today shatter those myths! They live vegan in Venezuela on $30 a month.
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Are You In The Vegan Club? ft. The Vegan Bouncer & Smug
Can you get into the vegan club? Exclusivism within the vegan movement harms not only those excluded, but also the movement itself—everyone and everything benefits the more vegans we have.
Read more about Are You In The Vegan Club? ft. The Vegan Bouncer & Smug -
Grow Your Own Organics & Take Back Your Food!
Start a revolution & print your own money when you grow your own food! Fresh, quality, organic produce is ideal food for vibrant health, but not always affordable or accessible. Growing our own organics is a way for us to take our food into our own hands.
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Are Tampons Vegan? Are They SAFE?
Are tampons vegan? Are they even safe? This may seem like an odd question at first glance, but the answers may surprise you.
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Vegans In The Renaissance | The History of Veganism Part Three
The Renaissance was a time of innovation and revolution within art, architecture, politics, science, astronomy, literature, and—veganism? Learn how the rise of humanistic individuality led to the acknowledgement of non-humans as individuals as well.
Read more about Vegans In The Renaissance | The History of Veganism Part Three -
Vegan Food For the Homeless | Brown Paper Bag Movement
Often, the food afforded to the needy isn’t of the highest quality, and certainly not itself compassionate when it contains the bodies of other beings. The Brown Paper Bag Movement provides vegan food and care items to the needy of New York City.
Read more about Vegan Food For the Homeless | Brown Paper Bag Movement