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Are We Born Vegan? | Parents Speak
Most kids love animals. Yet most kids are raised eating animals. Despite this disparity, raising children vegan remains controversial. Few would argue that a child is far more likely to play with an animal than murder and consume it.
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The Hypocrisy of Independence Day (4th of July Satire)
Strap on your expandable sweatpants and get ready to grow the glory of your Freedom Gut like a REAL American! Find out how to flaunt your Independence with true American flair! Now pay attention! Or don’t. It’s a free country.
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Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight
Why are school serving kids lethal lunches while refusing to offer healthy alternatives? 14-year-old vegan activist Lila Copeland speaks about her taking on the school board and the fight for kids’ right to health.
Read more about Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight -
$30K Poop Nutrition Challenge! | Sponsored By Ben & Jerry’s
Take the POOP Nutrient Challenge and get paid $30K for your crappy ideas! The EPA, along with Ben & Jerry’s, the USDA, and a host of other heavyweights have launched a competition for craptastic concepts to deal with the dung overtaking our planet.
Read more about $30K Poop Nutrition Challenge! | Sponsored By Ben & Jerry’s -
The N-WORDS Meat Eaters Use
What are the N-Words meat-eaters use when defending their diet? A team of researchers produced the first empirical study of meat-consumption rationalizations and justifications. Nothing brings out our deep-seated defenses like dietary debate.
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Forcing Kids to be Vegan? | Parents Answer
Raising kids vegan is brainwashing, right? Vegan parents force THEIR beliefs on their children and severely limiting their choices. With all the concerns of a vegan diet and the social difficulties faced by kids seen as “different” is it fair, or even safe, to raise kids vegan?
Read more about Forcing Kids to be Vegan? | Parents Answer