Is wool vegan? Isn’t it just like shaving your legs or trimming your beard? This is a common question about veganism and an important topic to address. Does the wool industry really align with vegan ideals?
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Why Wool Is BAAAD! [For Kids!]
This video is for kids! [but adults can watch too] Today we’re going to talk about wool from sheep. We’ll learn about why taking wool from sheep isn’t very nice and how YOU can be a superhero to sheep everywhere by saying NO to wool!
Read more about Why Wool Is BAAAD! [For Kids!] -
Is Wool Vegan? Is it Humane?
Is wool vegan? Isn’t it just like shaving your legs or trimming your beard? This is a common question about veganism and an important topic to address. Does the wool industry really align with vegan ideals?
Read more about Is Wool Vegan? Is it Humane?