All Posts for vegan conversion stories
From Cancer Scare to Vegan Fitness Model At 40+!
When you have a serious health scare, you can take it head on and change your habits, or keep heading towards destruction. Facing ill health in her 30’s Crissi Carvalho turned her life around, went vegan, and became a successful fitness model all in her 40’s!
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The Importance of Bearing Witness | Toronto Pig Save Interview
The majority of people eat meat, dairy, eggs, and other animal products, yet the vast majority of people also refuse to watch what happens to the animals who are killed for their meat, dairy, eggs, etc. Toronto Pig Save and others look to bear witness
Read more about The Importance of Bearing Witness | Toronto Pig Save Interview -
EPIC Natural Vegan Gains | Pro Bodybuilder Torre Washington
Anytime a vegan is a highly-accomplished strength or physique athlete, there is the inevitable “explanation” that their gains were achieved prior to being vegan and maintained as a vegan. Bodybuilder Torre Washington made his epic gains on plants.
Read more about EPIC Natural Vegan Gains | Pro Bodybuilder Torre Washington -
A Vegan Celebrity Who’s *Actually* Vegan | Interview With Comedian Myq Kaplan
Comedian Myq Kaplan has been on such shows as Letterman, Conan, and the Tonight Show, had his own Comedy Central Presents special, a best selling comedy album on iTunes and more. But most importantly, he says he’s vegan and actually is.
Read more about A Vegan Celebrity Who’s *Actually* Vegan | Interview With Comedian Myq Kaplan -
What A Vegan Ultra Athlete & Registered Dietitian Eats In A Day | Matt Ruscigno
Ever wondered what an ultra-athlete eats? How about a vegan ultra-athlete? Or even a vegan ultra-athlete with an advanced degree in nutrition? Well in this video you’ll hear from Registered Dietitian Matt Ruscigno
Read more about What A Vegan Ultra Athlete & Registered Dietitian Eats In A Day | Matt Ruscigno -
How to Be Vegan in the Military | Sergeant Alexander Contreras
Being vegan in the military certainly isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish, but it is possible. Sgt. Alexander Contreras shares his own experience and how he stayed vegan in the army and how his superiors and fellow soldiers reacted.
Read more about How to Be Vegan in the Military | Sergeant Alexander Contreras