How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism
How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let’s explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
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The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers
We have long acknowledged cruelty towards animals as an indicator of psychopathy. Yet slaughterhouse workers are paid and expected to carry out what amounts to torture upon thousands of sentient beings, day in and day out. How could that not have an effect?
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Are You Advocating Cruelty? | Truth in Vegan Outreach (Speech)
Are you advocating cruelty in your vegan activism and outreach? When we offer “humane” alternatives or “Meatless Mondays,” we’re doing a disservice to non-vegans. We’re deciding for them that they can’t handle the full truth.
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What Does Cage-Free Eggs Mean?
What does “cage-free” eggs mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.
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Vegan Ruins School Lunch
Nothing will ruin lunch period quite like hearing what the government does to your food. See what happens when high school students question a vegan animal rights activist.
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Why Dairy Is Never Humane
Is there such a thing as humane dairy? The source of milk is no big secret: it comes from cows. But that’s about as far back as most people trace milk’s journey to our refrigerated grocery case.
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