The ethics of zoos is a polarizing and complicated topic, even amongst vegans. Let's see whether zoos are really the centers of education, amusement, conservation, and research they purport to be.
The ethics of zoos is a polarizing and complicated topic, even amongst vegans. Let's see whether zoos are really the centers of education, amusement, conservation, and research they purport to be.
Palm oil is one of the world’s most hotly debated crops, with concerns over deforestation, habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, species extinction, and a slew of human rights violations in its wake, thus begging the question: is palm oil vegan?
The killing of Cecil the lion by American dentist Walter Palmer has created a worldwide uproar of disgust, anger, and indignation. But how different are Palmer’s actions from the everyday actions of the majority of the world’s population?
Is hunting more humane than factory farming? Does the method by which an animal is killed effect the ethics of their death?
One of the most cited justifications for hunting is that it’s necessary for managing out-of-control deer populations. When you go even just below the surface of this hunting myth, it’s painfully evident that deer hunting itself is responsible for overpopulation issues.
As a vegan activist should you be for or against animal welfare. What is the difference between animal welfare and animal liberation?
Read more about Why I’m A Vegan Against Animal WelfareThis video is for kids and adults alike. If you’re like me, you LOVE animals! Going to the zoo can be really exciting. Today we’re going to talk about why even though it may be fun for you and me, the zoo isn’t a happy place for the animals.
Read more about Kids! Say NO WAY To ZOO DAY!!!This video will forever change how you look at the ocean and seafood. Is the world running out of fish? Will the collapse of the ocean be the collapse of humankind? See what research says about the dire state of our oceans.
Read more about EMPTY OCEANS: Is The World Running Out Of Fish?Taking on SeaWorld, Circuses and the fight to free Lolita from the Miami Seaquarium is no small feat. But 12 year old animal activist Dominic Geragi is a 5-year veteran.
Read more about One 12 Year Old Boy Versus SeaWorld & CircusesThe ethics of zoos is a polarizing and complicated topic, even amongst vegans. Let’s see whether zoos are really the centers of education, amusement, conservation, and research they purport to be.
Read more about Are Zoos Educational?Meet incredible kid heroes in the truest sense of the word and the woman who has made it her mission to recognize their heroism. With all that’s wrong with our world, it’s all the more vital to reward courage, compassion, and leadership in our youth.
Read more about These KID HEROES Will Amaze You!!!