This video is for kids, by kids! Want to know what vegan kids eat? In this video, real vegan kids from all over the world share their favorite foods. Find out how tasty vegan food can be! If you love animals and good food, then this video is for you!
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"Eating vegan doesn’t have to be expensive. See how to have a full day of healthy vegan meals for under $4! Follow these recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert at a grand total of $3.75" - Ellen Jaffe Jones
How To Eat Vegan On $4 A Day | Recipes & Resources
Ever wondered what an ultra-athlete eats? How about a vegan ultra-athlete? Or even a vegan ultra-athlete with an advanced degree in nutrition? Well in this video you’ll hear from Registered Dietitian Matt Ruscigno
What A Vegan Ultra Athlete & Registered Dietitian Eats In A Day | Matt Ruscigno
It's time to put to rest the age-old question every vegan receives at one time or another: "So, what if you were on a desert island...???" Join me at the first ever Tucson VegFest and see what vegans eat in the desert!
What Vegans Eat In The Desert | Tucson VegFest
Ever wondered what vegans eat? Come hang out with Gary, the Vegan Black Metal Chef and me to see what a typical day’s meals look like.
What Vegans Eat In A Day ft. Gary Yourofsky & Vegan Black Metal Chef
This is the first video vlog of my recent move from Florida to Massachusetts. I show you the food I packed for the road, and share some of Ooby the vegan bulldog and my adventures on our trip up the coast!
What I Eat While On the Road | My Vegan Move
Epic meal time vegan style! think a vegan diet is limited and boring? worried about missing your favorite foods? Does going vegan sound like being sentenced to a lifetime of salads? Prepare yourself for some mind-blowing recipes you won’t believe are vegan.
SCREW Salad! Vegan Epic Meal Time!
All Posts for what vegans eat
How To Eat Vegan On $4 A Day | Recipes & Resources
“Eating vegan doesn’t have to be expensive. See how to have a full day of healthy vegan meals for under $4! Follow these recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert at a grand total of $3.75” – Ellen Jaffe Jones
Read more about How To Eat Vegan On $4 A Day | Recipes & Resources -
Are Vegan Kids Social Outcasts? | Parents Answer
Are vegan kids doomed to social isolation? With animal products served at school, parties and get-togethers, what’s a vegan kid to do to fit in? And how do parents help their children navigate social events without relegating them to the role of outsiders?
Read more about Are Vegan Kids Social Outcasts? | Parents Answer -
What Vegans Eat In The Desert | Tucson VegFest
It’s time to put to rest the age-old question every vegan receives at one time or another: “So, what if you were on a desert island…???” Join me at the first ever Tucson VegFest and see what vegans eat in the desert!
Read more about What Vegans Eat In The Desert | Tucson VegFest -
Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
Is it okay to eat eggs from backyard or rescued chickens? If chickens are well cared for, what’s the harm in eating their eggs? A new dietary group called “Veggans” believes that eating eggs can be ethical and healthy.
Read more about Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?! -
3 Year Old Refuses to Eat Animals & Changes Her Family Forever
This young girl can teach us all a valuable lesson. When Genesis Butler was 3 years old, she asked where her food came from. Hear her amazing story of how she changed her family’s lives forever and set out to change the world.
Read more about 3 Year Old Refuses to Eat Animals & Changes Her Family Forever -
Vegan On A Budget: My Top 10 Tips!
Check out my top 10 tips for being vegan on a budget! Eating vegan doesn’t have to break the bank. In fact, a vegan diet is often less expensive than one with animal products. These tips will help you spend smart and avoid blowing your budget.
Read more about Vegan On A Budget: My Top 10 Tips!