The Renaissance was a time of innovation and revolution within art, architecture, politics, science, astronomy, literature, and—veganism? Learn how the rise of humanistic individuality led to the acknowledgement of non-humans as individuals as well.
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Are tampons vegan? Are they even safe? This may seem like an odd question at first glance, but the answers may surprise you.
Are Tampons Vegan? Are They SAFE?
Is medication vegan? And can a vegan, in good conscience, take medication that’s not? This is a common question amongst new and experienced vegans alike.
Is Medication Vegan?
What are the alternatives to animal testing? Let's look into the three main alternatives, which are actually cheaper and more effective than animal models!
Alternatives to Animal Testing
Perhaps the most perverse aspect of the animal testing debate is the fact that not only does animal testing not advance medicine—it actually harms and, in many cases, kills the humans it's said to benefit.
The Human Cost of Animal Testing
Non-animal tests are generally more reliable, less costly, and always more humane. So, why are we still testing on animals? Let's review the top three reasons, including how you are paying for it!
Why Are We Still Testing On Animals?
Is animal testing effective? Is it scientifically viable? Can research on animals save human lives? If so, then vivisection would only be opposable on moral and ethical grounds...not scientific ones.
Is Animal Testing Effective & Does It Save Lives?
All Posts for vivisection
12 Year Old Takes On The Government for Animals!
Thomas Ponce is no ordinary teenager. By the age of 12, he had formed his own lobbying organization and was active in local government, meeting with congressmen and officials and providing a voice for the animals.
Read more about 12 Year Old Takes On The Government for Animals! -
Are Tampons Vegan? Are They SAFE?
Are tampons vegan? Are they even safe? This may seem like an odd question at first glance, but the answers may surprise you.
Read more about Are Tampons Vegan? Are They SAFE? -
Vegans In The Renaissance | The History of Veganism Part Three
The Renaissance was a time of innovation and revolution within art, architecture, politics, science, astronomy, literature, and—veganism? Learn how the rise of humanistic individuality led to the acknowledgement of non-humans as individuals as well.
Read more about Vegans In The Renaissance | The History of Veganism Part Three -
How Many Animals Do We Kill Every Year?
The numbers in this video are shocking. We are great at counting calories, measuring profits, quantifying just about anything. But when it comes to knowing our impact on other beings, we fall short. How many animals do we eat every year?
Read more about How Many Animals Do We Kill Every Year? -
Do Fish Feel Pain?
Do fish feel pain? Fish are often relegated to a somewhat sub-animal status. They are hard to relate to and not as emotionally expressive as other animals. But does this mean they don’t feel?
Read more about Do Fish Feel Pain? -
“I Will Not Stand By” | A Powerful Slam Poem 19 Years in the Making [Non-Graphic Version]
This is the non-graphic version of Gary Yourofsky’s incredibly powerful slam poem. For those who want to share the poem but not the graphic imagery, I created this non-visual version. This poem was written by Gary Yourofsky in 1996
Read more about “I Will Not Stand By” | A Powerful Slam Poem 19 Years in the Making [Non-Graphic Version]