Vitamin B12 is one of the most common worries for people considering a plant-based vegan diet. But this nutrient is a concern no matter what you eat! Dr. Michael Greger tells us where B12 comes from, how to get enough, and shares his supplementation recommendations.
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For most people, sun exposure alone is not enough to maintain healthy levels of Vitamin D. With many dietary sources being animal-based, how do you get enough vitamin D on a vegan diet? In this interview, Dr. Michael Greger explains how to ensure adequate vitamin D levels.
How to Get Vitamin D on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of
Dietary iron is strongly associated with meat consumption. But is iron deficiency really an issue on a plant-based diet? Are vegans more prone to anemia? In this interview, Dr. Michael Greger reveals the advantages of plant-based iron over animal-derived iron.
How to Get Iron on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of
Worried about getting enough Omega-3s on vegan diet? In this interview, Dr. Michael Greger guides you through the basics of Omega-3 fatty acids, provides plant-based sources, and busts long-standing myths about fish oil.
How to Get Omega-3 on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of
Zinc deficiency is a common concern for people interested in a plant-based diet. Just how difficult is it for vegans to get adequate zinc? Should men be more cautious than women? With the help of Dr. Michael Greger, we learn about the role of zinc in the body.
How to Get Zinc on a Plant-Based Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of
Carnitine, creatine, and carnosine aren’t the first concern for a plant-based diet. They usually come to light after reading articles cautioning would-be vegans of potential nutritional pitfalls. Should vegans be concerned about these nutrients? Dr. Michael Greger has the answers.
How to Get Carnitine, Carnosine & Creatine on a Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of
Gaining weight, and in particular muscle mass, as a vegan is often a great concern for those considering a plant-based diet. In this interview, vegan bodybuilder Derek Tresize shares his bodybuilding meal plan to show you how to get serious gains on plants!
The Ultimate Vegan Muscle Gainer Shake | Bodybuilder Derek Tresize
Is medication vegan? And can a vegan, in good conscience, take medication that’s not? This is a common question amongst new and experienced vegans alike.
Is Medication Vegan?
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Get Pissed About Your Prostate!
Prostate enlargement and cancer risk are seen as inevitable aspects of aging, with treatments ranging from medication to invasive and debilitating surgery. But what if these conditions could be prevented and even reversed?
Read more about Get Pissed About Your Prostate! -
Vegan Jobs, Class Dissection, Bullying & More! | Live Q&A
Re-join me for my back-to-back live Q&A sessions where I answered a wide range of questions about veganism!
Read more about Vegan Jobs, Class Dissection, Bullying & More! | Live Q&A -
The Dangers of Vegan Health Claims | Matt Ruscigno Returns
Are vegan health claims dangerous to the overall vegan message? In this follow-up to my last interview with Registered Dietitian Matt Ruscigno, we discuss the often exaggerated claims about the health benefits of a vegan diet.
Read more about The Dangers of Vegan Health Claims | Matt Ruscigno Returns -
He Doesn’t Track PROTEIN?! |Vegan Pro Bodybuilder Torre Washington
Protein is a major concern for most bodybuilders and, judging by the amount of times we’re asked about it, one would assume most vegans. So a vegan bodybuilder who doesn’t even track his protein is quite an anomaly.
Read more about He Doesn’t Track PROTEIN?! |Vegan Pro Bodybuilder Torre Washington -
The Ultimate Vegan Muscle Gainer Shake | Bodybuilder Derek Tresize
Gaining weight, and in particular muscle mass, as a vegan is often a great concern for those considering a plant-based diet. In this interview, vegan bodybuilder Derek Tresize shares his bodybuilding meal plan to show you how to get serious gains on plants!
Read more about The Ultimate Vegan Muscle Gainer Shake | Bodybuilder Derek Tresize -
Vegan Gains Worst of the Fitness Industry Interview
Vegan Gains is currently the most trending, fastest-growing and most polarizing vegan channel on YouTube. His flagship series “The Worst of the Fitness Industry” has launched him into YouTube infamy .
Read more about Vegan Gains Worst of the Fitness Industry Interview