It's no secret that the family-run farm is mostly a fairy tale used for deceptive marketing. In this video, I satirically deconstruct a pro-dairy industry marketing video. No one likes being lied to. You deserve the truth. And the animals—and we as a society—deserve better.
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Let's take a magical journey through a kids coloring book, apparently aimed at the budding sociopath! We’ll discover such enriching activities as a eugenics-themed multiple choice quiz, a hands-on activity of how to properly mutilate infants and much more.
The Most Disturbing Coloring Book Ever!
The idea that animals want to be eaten is ubiquitous in advertising. From smiling suicidal mascots, to heartwarming homicidal hijinks, to the erotic seduction of their killers—we're bombarded with messages of animals desiring their own deaths. Let's take a deep dive into the propaganda of complicit consumption.
Do Animals WANT to Be Eaten? | Suicide Food
How does the public image of’s humane foie gras supplier compare to the private reality? If lied, can any "humane" claims be trusted? Foie Gras: Expectation Vs Reality
Take 3 minutes to go behind the scenes at Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world. See how their public image compares to their private reality. If Smithfield lied, can any "humane" claims be trusted?
Expectation Vs Reality: Smithfield Pork
A shocking expose on the deep corruption, shameless lies, and illegal activities of the egg Industry in the United States. You won’t believe the lengths the American Egg Board, USDA, and egg industry as a whole will go to for a profit.
The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon
Was Hitler vegetarian? Referencing several of his biographers and scholars, we take a look at the validity of this claim. As well as ask: even if Hitler was vegetarian, why would it matter?
Was Hitler A Vegetarian?
All Posts for propaganda
Hey President! Here’s How You REALLY Pardon A Turkey
Every year, the President of the United States pardons two turkeys from being slaughtered for Thanksgiving. This is more a delay in execution than a full pardon. These “lucky” turkeys are still likely to be dead within a year.
Read more about Hey President! Here’s How You REALLY Pardon A Turkey -
How the Dairy Industry Lies to You With Cheery Marketing
It’s no secret that the family-run farm is mostly a fairy tale used for deceptive marketing. In this video, I satirically deconstruct a pro-dairy industry marketing video. No one likes being lied to. You deserve the truth. And the animals—and we as a society—deserve better.
Read more about How the Dairy Industry Lies to You With Cheery Marketing -
The Crime Of Raising Vegan Kids | When Diet Is Deadly
Is a vegan diet child abuse? Where is the line between parents’ dietary practices and the government’s duty to protect minors? Following the hospitalization of a vegan child, a bill in Italy aims to make veganism a criminal offense.
Read more about The Crime Of Raising Vegan Kids | When Diet Is Deadly -
The Most Disturbing Coloring Book Ever!
Let’s take a magical journey through a kids coloring book, apparently aimed at the budding sociopath! We’ll discover such enriching activities as a eugenics-themed multiple choice quiz, a hands-on activity of how to properly mutilate infants and much more.
Read more about The Most Disturbing Coloring Book Ever! -
The N-WORDS Meat Eaters Use
What are the N-Words meat-eaters use when defending their diet? A team of researchers produced the first empirical study of meat-consumption rationalizations and justifications. Nothing brings out our deep-seated defenses like dietary debate.
Read more about The N-WORDS Meat Eaters Use -
Do Animals WANT to Be Eaten? | Suicide Food
The idea that animals want to be eaten is ubiquitous in advertising. From smiling suicidal mascots, to heartwarming homicidal hijinks, to the erotic seduction of their killers—we’re bombarded with messages of animals desiring their own deaths. Let’s take a deep dive into the propaganda of complicit consumption.
Read more about Do Animals WANT to Be Eaten? | Suicide Food