All Posts for plant-based diet
The Best Way to Eat Vegan, My Vegan Journey, and SASHA Farm
This is the first vegan Q&A video where I answer some of your question, like when, how, and why did I go vegan? Just how old am i? What is the BEST way to eat veg? What are my thought on Raw Till 4, and more!
Read more about The Best Way to Eat Vegan, My Vegan Journey, and SASHA Farm -
Vegans Kill Plants! (Warning: GRAPHIC PLANT VIOLENCE)
The argument goes that if vegans are REALLY concerned with reducing pain and suffering, what about all the innocent plants losing their lives to feed vegans? Do plants feel pain?
Read more about Vegans Kill Plants! (Warning: GRAPHIC PLANT VIOLENCE) -
Is A Vegan Diet Too EXTREME!?
Is a vegan diet too EXTREME?? In this video, we compare the extreme nature of various dietary practices. How does your diet measure up? What does it take to produce the food you eat? What all has to happen to make your meal?
Read more about Is A Vegan Diet Too EXTREME!? -
Can Pets Be Vegan? What’s Really in Pet Food?
This video is about how we are feeding our pets TO DEATH. aside from the moral implications of what we feed our animals, there are very valid health concerns related to many of the lesser-known ingredients in common pet foods.
Read more about Can Pets Be Vegan? What’s Really in Pet Food? -
Go Vegan for Health | Vegan Health and Weight Loss
Vegans, on the whole, experience remarkably less heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, strokes, obesity, asthma, high blood pressure, large bowel disorders, gallstones, various cancers, coronary artery disease, osteoperosis, kidney disease, and dementia, among other diseases.
Read more about Go Vegan for Health | Vegan Health and Weight Loss