All Posts for mental health
Is Alcohol Vegan?
Is alcohol vegan? Or does it contain hidden animal ingredients? In this video, we’ll look into how alcohol is made, what hidden ingredients and refining agents vegans need to be aware of and how alcohol labels are misleading.
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Do Animals Grieve?
Humans have long used our ability to experience complex emotions to distinguish ourselves from other animals. But is this ability really isolated to our species? And if non-human animals do have the capacity to emote, what does that say about how we treat them?
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Is Medication Vegan?
Is medication vegan? And can a vegan, in good conscience, take medication that’s not? This is a common question amongst new and experienced vegans alike.
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Is Cheese Addictive?
We all know people LOVE cheese, but is it more than taste? Is cheese truly physically addictive? What does the science say? We’ll look at both sides of the debate as to dairy’s addictiveness, namely, the issue of casomorphins.
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Health Benefits of Eating Banana PEELS!
Did you know there are benefits to eating the peels of bananas? I give you a run down of the health benefits and show you the weird way I eat bananas. From antioxidant power to weight loss, eating banana peels can give you the boost you need.
Read more about Health Benefits of Eating Banana PEELS!