All Posts for mental health
Kids! Say NO WAY To ZOO DAY!!!
This video is for kids and adults alike. If you’re like me, you LOVE animals! Going to the zoo can be really exciting. Today we’re going to talk about why even though it may be fun for you and me, the zoo isn’t a happy place for the animals.
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Vegan Jobs, Class Dissection, Bullying & More! | Live Q&A
Re-join me for my back-to-back live Q&A sessions where I answered a wide range of questions about veganism!
Read more about Vegan Jobs, Class Dissection, Bullying & More! | Live Q&A -
Why Vegans FLIP OUT!
Why do vegans flip out at the slightest provocation? Why are we so sensitive and quick to jump down people’s throats? Why do we have to be so annoying and self-righteous?
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How NOT To DIE: Foods That Add Years | Dr. Michael Greger
What are the leading causes of preventable death? Which foods are scientifically proven to prevent and reverse disease? Are diet and exercise enough? Can diabetics eat fruit? What’s the connection between diet and mental health?
Read more about How NOT To DIE: Foods That Add Years | Dr. Michael Greger -
Life With(out) You | The Story of Ooby The Bulldog
This is the story of Ooby the bulldog. It’s a story worth knowing. For every purebred dog suffering from man-made afflictions, for every homeless or abandoned dog out there. Let Ooby’s story and her life help change how we treat our companions.
Read more about Life With(out) You | The Story of Ooby The Bulldog -
Are You In The Vegan Club? ft. The Vegan Bouncer & Smug
Can you get into the vegan club? Exclusivism within the vegan movement harms not only those excluded, but also the movement itself—everyone and everything benefits the more vegans we have.
Read more about Are You In The Vegan Club? ft. The Vegan Bouncer & Smug