Bestiality. Even the word itself is a taboo! Most people think bestiality is some rare perversion in the darkest corners of the Internet. But what if bestiality is actually a part of your everyday life?
Recommended Posts for language and terminology (in animal industries)
What does "cage-free" eggs mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.
What Does Cage-Free Eggs Mean?
Most people are against factory farming—but what about grass-fed, free-range, humane? Nowhere is animal agriculture more idealized than the rolling green landscape of Ireland. Let’s take a close look at the very best we have to offer and see if the ideals live up to their promise.
The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming
The idea that animals want to be eaten is ubiquitous in advertising. From smiling suicidal mascots, to heartwarming homicidal hijinks, to the erotic seduction of their killers—we're bombarded with messages of animals desiring their own deaths. Let's take a deep dive into the propaganda of complicit consumption.
Do Animals WANT to Be Eaten? | Suicide Food
Take the POOP Nutrient Challenge and get paid $30K for your crappy ideas! The EPA, along with Ben & Jerry’s, the USDA, and a host of other heavyweights have launched a competition for craptastic concepts to deal with the dung overtaking our planet.
$30K Poop Nutrition Challenge! | Sponsored By Ben & Jerry’s
This is the greatest lie ever told. Whispered to us as children. A deception so deeply entrenched in our collective unconscious we buy into it without question. Become complicit in its propagation. This is the lie we tell ourselves. Listen closely. Unlearning isn't easy.
The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Slam Poem
This speech sheds light on aspects of our food system that are deliberately hidden—allowing you to make truly informed choices. By highlighting how you already hold the core values of veganism, the information in this speech empowers you to align your actions with your existing values.
This Speech Will Change How You See Everything
A shocking expose on the deep corruption, shameless lies, and illegal activities of the egg Industry in the United States. You won’t believe the lengths the American Egg Board, USDA, and egg industry as a whole will go to for a profit.
The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon
The numbers in this video are shocking. We are great at counting calories, measuring profits, quantifying just about anything. But when it comes to knowing our impact on other beings, we fall short. How many animals do we eat every year?
How Many Animals Do We Kill Every Year?
One of the most cited justifications for hunting is that it’s necessary for managing out-of-control deer populations. When you go even just below the surface of this hunting myth, it’s painfully evident that deer hunting itself is responsible for overpopulation issues.
Is Deer Hunting Necessary for Population Control?
All Posts for language and terminology (in animal industries)
This Speech Will Change How You See Everything
This speech sheds light on aspects of our food system that are deliberately hidden—allowing you to make truly informed choices. By highlighting how you already hold the core values of veganism, the information in this speech empowers you to align your actions with your existing values.
Read more about This Speech Will Change How You See Everything -
Are You Advocating Cruelty? | Truth in Vegan Outreach (Speech)
Are you advocating cruelty in your vegan activism and outreach? When we offer “humane” alternatives or “Meatless Mondays,” we’re doing a disservice to non-vegans. We’re deciding for them that they can’t handle the full truth.
Read more about Are You Advocating Cruelty? | Truth in Vegan Outreach (Speech) -
What Does Cage-Free Eggs Mean?
What does “cage-free” eggs mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.
Read more about What Does Cage-Free Eggs Mean? -
How to Speak Non-Vegan | Effective Activism Through Mindful Language
Are your words working against you? As activists, our language choices can be our greatest asset, or our most self-defeating liability. When we’re mindful of who we’re trying to reach, the effectiveness and integrity of our message increases exponentially.
Read more about How to Speak Non-Vegan | Effective Activism Through Mindful Language -
Vegan Ruins School Lunch
Nothing will ruin lunch period quite like hearing what the government does to your food. See what happens when high school students question a vegan animal rights activist.
Read more about Vegan Ruins School Lunch -
Sex With Animals: The Blurred Lines of Bestiality
Bestiality. Even the word itself is a taboo! Most people think bestiality is some rare perversion in the darkest corners of the Internet. But what if bestiality is actually a part of your everyday life?
Read more about Sex With Animals: The Blurred Lines of Bestiality