What are the N-Words meat-eaters use when defending their diet? A team of researchers produced the first empirical study of meat-consumption rationalizations and justifications. Nothing brings out our deep-seated defenses like dietary debate.
Recommended Posts for justifications and rationalizations (for eating and using animals)
This is the greatest lie ever told. Whispered to us as children. A deception so deeply entrenched in our collective unconscious we buy into it without question. Become complicit in its propagation. This is the lie we tell ourselves. Listen closely. Unlearning isn't easy.
The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Slam Poem
How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let's explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism
Why do vegans flip out at the slightest provocation? Why are we so sensitive and quick to jump down people's throats? Why do we have to be so annoying and self-righteous?
Why Vegans FLIP OUT!
Is it okay to eat eggs from backyard or rescued chickens? If chickens are well cared for, what’s the harm in eating their eggs? A new dietary group called "Veggans" believes that eating eggs can be ethical and healthy.
Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
The ethics of zoos is a polarizing and complicated topic, even amongst vegans. Let's see whether zoos are really the centers of education, amusement, conservation, and research they purport to be.
Are Zoos Educational?
Is hunting more humane than factory farming? Does the method by which an animal is killed effect the ethics of their death?
Is Hunting More Ethical Than Factory Farming?
One of the most cited justifications for hunting is that it’s necessary for managing out-of-control deer populations. When you go even just below the surface of this hunting myth, it’s painfully evident that deer hunting itself is responsible for overpopulation issues.
Is Deer Hunting Necessary for Population Control?
Does a vegan diet lead to more animal deaths than an omnivorous one? Is it true that harvesting crops for vegans kills more animals than farming grass-fed beef? It's time for vegans to take a long, hard look at their lifestyles and choose the path that is truly more ethical.
Do Vegans Kill More Animals Than Meat-Eaters?
If you've ever said "I respect your choice to be vegan, so you should respect my choice to eat meat," please watch this video. Is eating meat, dairy and eggs a choice? And should it be equally respected as the choice to be vegan?
Is Eating Animals A Personal Choice?
Can empathy bridge the gap between vegans and meat-eaters? Learn effective strategies for constructive communication, like validating core values and subverting stereotypes. And why the most effective way to reach people about veganism may be to stop trying to make them vegan.
Should Vegans Empathize with Meat-Eaters?
How far back does veganism reach? Is veganism a modern-day invention, or were there vegans in ancient times? In this first edition of The History of Veganism series, we start from the very beginning.
Vegans In Ancient Times | The History of Veganism Part One
Were vegan principles and practices shaped by the rise of major world religions during the Middle Ages? Learn about the interplay of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism & secular ethics.
Vegans In The Middle Ages | The History of Veganism Part Two
The Renaissance was a time of innovation and revolution within art, architecture, politics, science, astronomy, literature, and—veganism? Learn how the rise of humanistic individuality led to the acknowledgement of non-humans as individuals as well.
Vegans In The Renaissance | The History of Veganism Part Three
Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential renaissance man: artist, inventor, botanist, engineer, architect, historian, geologist, and...vegan? Learn about da Vinci’s lesser-known contributions to the fields of animal rights and ethical veganism.
Was Leonardo da Vinci VEGAN? | The History of Veganism Spotlight
The argument goes that if vegans are REALLY concerned with reducing pain and suffering, what about all the innocent plants losing their lives to feed vegans? Do plants feel pain?
Vegans Kill Plants! (Warning: GRAPHIC PLANT VIOLENCE)
All Posts for justifications and rationalizations (for eating and using animals)
Should Vegans Empathize with Meat-Eaters?
Can empathy bridge the gap between vegans and meat-eaters? Learn effective strategies for constructive communication, like validating core values and subverting stereotypes. And why the most effective way to reach people about veganism may be to stop trying to make them vegan.
Read more about Should Vegans Empathize with Meat-Eaters? -
Why Vegans WON’T Tell You They’re Vegan: The Other Side of Vegan Stigma
How do you know someone’s vegan? You probably won’t! Find out why many vegans hide their veganism and how their silence harms all of us. And the potential solution may not be what you’d expect. Essentially, we need to evolve towards a world without vegans.
Read more about Why Vegans WON’T Tell You They’re Vegan: The Other Side of Vegan Stigma -
The Science of Why People Hate Vegans
Despite growing public awareness and concern over how animals are treated in our food industry, vegans are still not well-received by the general public. Discover what research reveals about why people hate vegans. The reasons may not be what you expect!
Read more about The Science of Why People Hate Vegans -
The “Psychopathy” of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu
This captivating interview explores society’s detachment towards animals and the cost of selectively severing our empathy. Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu draws thought-provoking parallels between our treatment of animals and psychopathy, highlighting the transformative power of reconnecting with empathy.
Read more about The “Psychopathy” of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu -
Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan?
Is horse riding cruel? Can vegans ride horses? The ethics of horse riding remains an extremely controversial and divisive topic. Dive deep into the debate and learn why the question of whether riding hurts horses distracts from the more important ethical issues of horse use.
Read more about Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan? -
How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism
How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let’s explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
Read more about How Smart People Think Their Way Out of Veganism