All Posts for humane myth
Why the Yulin Dog Meat Festival ISN’T A BIG DEAL!
The Yulin dog eating festival sparks enragement and controversy every year with a strong global outcry for its banishment. But, in all honesty, is it really that bad? How is it any different than what every other country is doing every single day?
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Is Silk Vegan? How Is Silk Made?
Is silk vegan? Is it cruel? In this video, we look into the ethics of silk, how it’s produced and what alternatives exist.
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What Vegans See | A Post for Non-Vegans
Ever wonder why vegans are so sensitive about things? Or why we seem to overreact so often? As a vegan, I’ve made this video in an attempt to show non-vegans what we see that makes as behave as we do. This is not a judgment and it’s not graphic. It’s simply me sharing what I see
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Do Fish Feel Pain?
Do fish feel pain? Fish are often relegated to a somewhat sub-animal status. They are hard to relate to and not as emotionally expressive as other animals. But does this mean they don’t feel?
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Is Hunting More Ethical Than Factory Farming?
Is hunting more humane than factory farming? Does the method by which an animal is killed effect the ethics of their death?
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Do Animals Grieve?
Humans have long used our ability to experience complex emotions to distinguish ourselves from other animals. But is this ability really isolated to our species? And if non-human animals do have the capacity to emote, what does that say about how we treat them?
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