All Posts for hatcheries
Europe’s Dark Secret: Eye Opening Speech!
“It’s only like that in America”. The United States consistently plays the role of scapegoat on the international stage. But are European standards for the treatment of animals and regulation of the environmental impact of animal agriculture really any better?
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Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
Is it okay to eat eggs from backyard or rescued chickens? If chickens are well cared for, what’s the harm in eating their eggs? A new dietary group called “Veggans” believes that eating eggs can be ethical and healthy.
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Is Free-Range Really Free? Are Eggs and Dairy Humane?
What do the buzzwords “humane,” “cruelty free,” “cage free,” “free range,” and “organic” actually mean? Is the comfort they provide to consumers backed by actual improvements for the animals?
Read more about Is Free-Range Really Free? Are Eggs and Dairy Humane?