Is a vegan diet child abuse? Where is the line between parents’ dietary practices and the government’s duty to protect minors? Following the hospitalization of a vegan child, a bill in Italy aims to make veganism a criminal offense.
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Why are school serving kids lethal lunches while refusing to offer healthy alternatives? 14-year-old vegan activist Lila Copeland speaks about her taking on the school board and the fight for kids’ right to health.
Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight
This video will forever change how you look at the ocean and seafood. Is the world running out of fish? Will the collapse of the ocean be the collapse of humankind? See what research says about the dire state of our oceans.
EMPTY OCEANS: Is The World Running Out Of Fish?
A shocking expose on the deep corruption, shameless lies, and illegal activities of the egg Industry in the United States. You won’t believe the lengths the American Egg Board, USDA, and egg industry as a whole will go to for a profit.
The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon
One of the most cited justifications for hunting is that it’s necessary for managing out-of-control deer populations. When you go even just below the surface of this hunting myth, it’s painfully evident that deer hunting itself is responsible for overpopulation issues.
Is Deer Hunting Necessary for Population Control?
We all know people LOVE cheese, but is it more than taste? Is cheese truly physically addictive? What does the science say? We'll look at both sides of the debate as to dairy’s addictiveness, namely, the issue of casomorphins.
Is Cheese Addictive?
Recent developments at both the state and federal level are changing the legal classification of animals and animal cruelty—giving animals rights once only relegated to humans and deeming animal cruelty a top-tier felony.
BREAKING NEWS In Animal Rights! FBI Re-Defines Cruelty
All Posts for government involvement
The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers
We have long acknowledged cruelty towards animals as an indicator of psychopathy. Yet slaughterhouse workers are paid and expected to carry out what amounts to torture upon thousands of sentient beings, day in and day out. How could that not have an effect?
Read more about The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers -
The Public Health Crisis of Animal Waste – Our Global Poo Problem
Our planet has a poop problem. The extreme excrement production of farmed animals directly affects your health, goes largely unregulated, and you’re actually paying for the privilege of being poisoned. This is one public health crisis we should all give a crap about.
Read more about The Public Health Crisis of Animal Waste – Our Global Poo Problem -
Are You Advocating Cruelty? | Truth in Vegan Outreach (Speech)
Are you advocating cruelty in your vegan activism and outreach? When we offer “humane” alternatives or “Meatless Mondays,” we’re doing a disservice to non-vegans. We’re deciding for them that they can’t handle the full truth.
Read more about Are You Advocating Cruelty? | Truth in Vegan Outreach (Speech) -
How to Speak Non-Vegan | Effective Activism Through Mindful Language
Are your words working against you? As activists, our language choices can be our greatest asset, or our most self-defeating liability. When we’re mindful of who we’re trying to reach, the effectiveness and integrity of our message increases exponentially.
Read more about How to Speak Non-Vegan | Effective Activism Through Mindful Language -
Vegan Ruins School Lunch
Nothing will ruin lunch period quite like hearing what the government does to your food. See what happens when high school students question a vegan animal rights activist.
Read more about Vegan Ruins School Lunch -
Sex With Animals: The Blurred Lines of Bestiality
Bestiality. Even the word itself is a taboo! Most people think bestiality is some rare perversion in the darkest corners of the Internet. But what if bestiality is actually a part of your everyday life?
Read more about Sex With Animals: The Blurred Lines of Bestiality