This is for kids, because YOU can save the world! Today we learn how you can be a superhero for the planet, people and animals. The decisions you make and the actions you take can change the world. Let’s put on our capes and make a difference!
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This Speech Will Change How You See Everything
This speech sheds light on aspects of our food system that are deliberately hidden—allowing you to make truly informed choices. By highlighting how you already hold the core values of veganism, the information in this speech empowers you to align your actions with your existing values.
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A Guide to Vegan Leather & Sustainable Vegan Leather Alternatives
What is vegan leather made of? In this guide to vegan leather alternatives, learn about the growing number of plant-based and bioleathers, the history of synthetic leather, and the debate over whether any leather alternative is truly sustainable.
Read more about A Guide to Vegan Leather & Sustainable Vegan Leather Alternatives -
The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming
Most people are against factory farming—but what about grass-fed, free-range, humane? Nowhere is animal agriculture more idealized than the rolling green landscape of Ireland. Let’s take a close look at the very best we have to offer and see if the ideals live up to their promise.
Read more about The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming -
What Will Your Legacy Be?
What lessons are we leaving for the next generation? When we take account of our actions, there is one commonality that crosses all human-created boundaries of cultures, countries, ethnicities, genders, ideologies and religions – it unites us in our humanity.
Read more about What Will Your Legacy Be? -
Are We Born Vegan? | Parents Speak
Most kids love animals. Yet most kids are raised eating animals. Despite this disparity, raising children vegan remains controversial. Few would argue that a child is far more likely to play with an animal than murder and consume it.
Read more about Are We Born Vegan? | Parents Speak -
Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight
Why are school serving kids lethal lunches while refusing to offer healthy alternatives? 14-year-old vegan activist Lila Copeland speaks about her taking on the school board and the fight for kids’ right to health.
Read more about Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight