Are vegans more depressed than non-vegans? There is a great deal of back and forth within the medical and lay communities about the impact of veganism on mental health. What does the science say?
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Humans have long used our ability to experience complex emotions to distinguish ourselves from other animals. But is this ability really isolated to our species? And if non-human animals do have the capacity to emote, what does that say about how we treat them?
Do Animals Grieve?
Is medication vegan? And can a vegan, in good conscience, take medication that’s not? This is a common question amongst new and experienced vegans alike.
Is Medication Vegan?
We have long acknowledged cruelty towards animals as an indicator of psychopathy. Yet slaughterhouse workers are paid and expected to carry out what amounts to torture upon thousands of sentient beings, day in and day out. How could that not have an effect?
The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers
All Posts for depression
Why Vegans WON’T Tell You They’re Vegan: The Other Side of Vegan Stigma
How do you know someone’s vegan? You probably won’t! Find out why many vegans hide their veganism and how their silence harms all of us. And the potential solution may not be what you’d expect. Essentially, we need to evolve towards a world without vegans.
Read more about Why Vegans WON’T Tell You They’re Vegan: The Other Side of Vegan Stigma -
The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers
We have long acknowledged cruelty towards animals as an indicator of psychopathy. Yet slaughterhouse workers are paid and expected to carry out what amounts to torture upon thousands of sentient beings, day in and day out. How could that not have an effect?
Read more about The Psychological Toll of Killing Animals: PTSD in Slaughterhouse Workers -
What to Expect Emotionally When Going Vegan
Change can be scary. Knowing what to expect in advance can provide stability and assurance. From navigating the transition, to overcoming challenges, to the profound emotional positives, this guide will help you know what to expect emotionally when going vegan.
Read more about What to Expect Emotionally When Going Vegan -
Going Vegan Fixes Everything & Makes Life Perfect!
Have you ever though about going vegan, but want to know what kinds of changes you can expect? Great! Cause I’m here to show you some of the incredible lifestyle changes that are guaranteed when you go vegan!
Read more about Going Vegan Fixes Everything & Makes Life Perfect! -
Are Vegans More Depressed?
Are vegans more depressed than non-vegans? There is a great deal of back and forth within the medical and lay communities about the impact of veganism on mental health. What does the science say?
Read more about Are Vegans More Depressed?