Can what you eat affect the size of your penis? The impact of diet is decidedly absent from the male enhancement racket of miracle pills, powerful pumps, bizarre contraptions, and serious surgery. And the sensitivity of penis size leaves countless men trying out untested and potentially unsafe methods.
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Vegan Ruins School Lunch
Nothing will ruin lunch period quite like hearing what the government does to your food. See what happens when high school students question a vegan animal rights activist.
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Does Diet Affect Penis Size? | Foods To Avoid
Can what you eat affect the size of your penis? The impact of diet is decidedly absent from the male enhancement racket of miracle pills, powerful pumps, bizarre contraptions, and serious surgery. And the sensitivity of penis size leaves countless men trying out untested and potentially unsafe methods.
Read more about Does Diet Affect Penis Size? | Foods To Avoid -
The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming
Most people are against factory farming—but what about grass-fed, free-range, humane? Nowhere is animal agriculture more idealized than the rolling green landscape of Ireland. Let’s take a close look at the very best we have to offer and see if the ideals live up to their promise.
Read more about The Best We Have To Offer? | How Ireland Exposes “Humane” Farming -
Why EGGS Are Never Humane | Babies In A Blender
The truth about eggs in under 4 minutes. Eggs are an everyday staple for people all around the world. Beyond their polished surfaces and convenient packaging lies the truth of their production. In the harsh light of reality, the everyday is revealed as extreme.
Read more about Why EGGS Are Never Humane | Babies In A Blender -
The Hypocrisy of Independence Day (4th of July Satire)
Strap on your expandable sweatpants and get ready to grow the glory of your Freedom Gut like a REAL American! Find out how to flaunt your Independence with true American flair! Now pay attention! Or don’t. It’s a free country.
Read more about The Hypocrisy of Independence Day (4th of July Satire) -
Never Known Hunger | Draw My Life
I long to be empty. I ache with fullness. I can’t take any more. It’s getting harder to move. Harder to breathe. Harder to live. I hunger for hunger itself. This is my story. Please watch. Please listen. Please hear me. I’m not the only one.
Read more about Never Known Hunger | Draw My Life