Carnitine, creatine, and carnosine aren’t the first concern for a plant-based diet. They usually come to light after reading articles cautioning would-be vegans of potential nutritional pitfalls. Should vegans be concerned about these nutrients? Dr. Michael Greger has the answers.
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How to Get Carnitine, Carnosine & Creatine on a Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of
Carnitine, creatine, and carnosine aren’t the first concern for a plant-based diet. They usually come to light after reading articles cautioning would-be vegans of potential nutritional pitfalls. Should vegans be concerned about these nutrients? Dr. Michael Greger has the answers.
Read more about How to Get Carnitine, Carnosine & Creatine on a Vegan Diet | Dr. Michael Greger of