All Posts for anti-vegan
Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight
Why are school serving kids lethal lunches while refusing to offer healthy alternatives? 14-year-old vegan activist Lila Copeland speaks about her taking on the school board and the fight for kids’ right to health.
Read more about Are School Lunches Killing Our Kids? | Lila’s Fight -
Censorship of Vegan Educational Content on YouTube
YouTube and other social media platforms reveal bias in the inconsistencies of their enforcement policies.
Read more about Censorship of Vegan Educational Content on YouTube -
BACON Lovers & VEGANS Unite!? | BuzzFeed Reaction
Discover the ONE THING that bacon-lovers and vegans have in common in my reaction to BuzzFeed’s viral video! What could possibly overcome the rivalry of the lovers-of-bacon and the praisers-of-plants?
Read more about BACON Lovers & VEGANS Unite!? | BuzzFeed Reaction -
Why Vegans FLIP OUT!
Why do vegans flip out at the slightest provocation? Why are we so sensitive and quick to jump down people’s throats? Why do we have to be so annoying and self-righteous?
Read more about Why Vegans FLIP OUT! -
WatchMojo Debunks Veganism!
The giant YouTube channel WatchMojo recently demonstrated how to make a video about “5 Facts About Veganism” that subversively gives the vegan movement a kick in its collective gonads! Think being vegan is healthy?
Read more about WatchMojo Debunks Veganism! -
Vegan In Venezuela On $30 A Month!
Think being vegan has to be expensive? Think it’s only possible in “privileged” countries? My guests today shatter those myths! They live vegan in Venezuela on $30 a month.
Read more about Vegan In Venezuela On $30 A Month!