As a vegan activist should you be for or against animal welfare. What is the difference between animal welfare and animal liberation?
As a vegan activist should you be for or against animal welfare. What is the difference between animal welfare and animal liberation?
What does "cage-free" eggs mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.
Most people are against factory farming—but what about grass-fed, free-range, humane? Nowhere is animal agriculture more idealized than the rolling green landscape of Ireland. Let’s take a close look at the very best we have to offer and see if the ideals live up to their promise.
Are you advocating cruelty in your vegan activism and outreach? When we offer "humane" alternatives or "Meatless Mondays," we're doing a disservice to non-vegans. We're deciding for them that they can't handle the full truth.
Bestiality. Even the word itself is a taboo! Most people think bestiality is some rare perversion in the darkest corners of the Internet. But what if bestiality is actually a part of your everyday life?
How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let's explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
This captivating interview explores society’s detachment towards animals and the cost of selectively severing our empathy. Philosopher John Sanbonmatsu draws thought-provoking parallels between our treatment of animals and psychopathy, highlighting the transformative power of reconnecting with empathy.
Read more about The “Psychopathy” of Eating Meat | Interview with Philosopher John SanbonmatsuIs horse riding cruel? Can vegans ride horses? The ethics of horse riding remains an extremely controversial and divisive topic. Dive deep into the debate and learn why the question of whether riding hurts horses distracts from the more important ethical issues of horse use.
Read more about Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan?How can a highly intelligent person—who appears to have made a real ethical connection to the tenets of veganism—ever go back to consuming animals? What shifts in their intellect? Let’s explore how and why smart people can think their way out of veganism.
Read more about How Smart People Think Their Way Out of VeganismAre you advocating cruelty in your vegan activism and outreach? When we offer “humane” alternatives or “Meatless Mondays,” we’re doing a disservice to non-vegans. We’re deciding for them that they can’t handle the full truth.
Read more about Are You Advocating Cruelty? | Truth in Vegan Outreach (Speech)What does “cage-free” eggs mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.
Read more about What Does Cage-Free Eggs Mean?Are your words working against you? As activists, our language choices can be our greatest asset, or our most self-defeating liability. When we’re mindful of who we’re trying to reach, the effectiveness and integrity of our message increases exponentially.
Read more about How to Speak Non-Vegan | Effective Activism Through Mindful Language