All Posts for animal rescue
60 Second Shot of Hope
60 seconds may not seem like much. But it only takes a minute to change everything. With all the hours of heartbreak in the world, take 60 seconds to find the hope to keep fighting.
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The Cow Who Changed Texas Forever | Rowdy Girl
In Texas, where steak is its own food group and cattle ranching is a way of life, one cow—aptly named “Rowdy Girl” has spurred an astounding revolution: the conversion of a Texas cattle ranch into a Vegan Farm Animal Sanctuary!
Read more about The Cow Who Changed Texas Forever | Rowdy Girl -
Why Wool Is BAAAD! [For Kids!]
This video is for kids! [but adults can watch too] Today we’re going to talk about wool from sheep. We’ll learn about why taking wool from sheep isn’t very nice and how YOU can be a superhero to sheep everywhere by saying NO to wool!
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Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
Is it okay to eat eggs from backyard or rescued chickens? If chickens are well cared for, what’s the harm in eating their eggs? A new dietary group called “Veggans” believes that eating eggs can be ethical and healthy.
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Was Leonardo da Vinci VEGAN? | The History of Veganism Spotlight
Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential renaissance man: artist, inventor, botanist, engineer, architect, historian, geologist, and…vegan? Learn about da Vinci’s lesser-known contributions to the fields of animal rights and ethical veganism.
Read more about Was Leonardo da Vinci VEGAN? | The History of Veganism Spotlight -
Life With(out) You | The Story of Ooby The Bulldog
This is the story of Ooby the bulldog. It’s a story worth knowing. For every purebred dog suffering from man-made afflictions, for every homeless or abandoned dog out there. Let Ooby’s story and her life help change how we treat our companions.
Read more about Life With(out) You | The Story of Ooby The Bulldog