All Posts for animal behavior
Why You’re Offensive & Don’t Know It
What violent and offensive things are you saying every day without knowing it? With all the “Politically Correct” terminology out there, one group remains regularly slandered, victimized and devalued in our every day speech.
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Are Zoos Educational?
The ethics of zoos is a polarizing and complicated topic, even amongst vegans. Let’s see whether zoos are really the centers of education, amusement, conservation, and research they purport to be.
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Is Honey BEE BARF? All About Honey! [For Kids!]
Is honey vegan? This video is for kids! [but adults can watch too!] Today we’re going to talk about how honey is made, which is pretty gross, why taking it from the bees who make it isn’t good for them.
Read more about Is Honey BEE BARF? All About Honey! [For Kids!] -
How Your Choices Impact the World | Speech
Did you know that your core values likely align with veganism already? Learn the impact your individual choices have on the world around you and how simple actions you take can help the planet, human society, and other sentient beings.
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If you think small farms are different, if you don’t believe the vegan “hype” about animal rights, hear why this cattle rancher changed her ways, went vegan, and started a one-woman revolution for change from within the heart of the animal agriculture industry.
Read more about Why This Cattle Rancher Went VEGAN! | INCREDIBLE TRANSFORMATION -
Do Fish Feel Pain?
Do fish feel pain? Fish are often relegated to a somewhat sub-animal status. They are hard to relate to and not as emotionally expressive as other animals. But does this mean they don’t feel?
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