This is part two of a special edition personal Q&A as a thank you for all of your support! In this part I answer about my relationship status, education history, music preferences, tattoos, 5-year goals, and more!
Today’s Q&A is Part Two of a special edition all about my personal business. I decided to open up for questions as a thank you for all of your support! I won’t be able to reach everyone’s questions but did my best to get as many in a possible. Be sure to check out Part One as well!
Q: Do I have a significant other or am I in a relationship?
A: I am not. I answered that in a Q&A over a year ago: I’m still not. It’s not something that I pine for or feel that I am missing anything or that I have a second half of me and I am not complete. I tend to focus so much on my work and my activism and that, to me, is my primary goal. At the moment I don’t really have time for anything else let alone another person. Such a romantic, I am. Incredible.
Q: So, I got a number of questions about my education like, “What my education was?”
A: I got my bachelors in Art and Women’s studies, I was originally a biology Pre-Med major, then I took two years off I worked full time and then I went to grad school for art and initially I was going to go to med school but I decided to do art first because I knew if went to med school by the time I was done I probably wouldn’t be able to have the time to do art.
So, I got my master’s and my Master’s of Fine Arts in art. In America that’s the terminal degree in art. You can get a Master’s of Art and you can get a Master’s of Fine Art which is an M.F.A. There is no P.H.D. in art. The M.F.A. is basically it. So I did that and wrote two different theses and had theses shows that are exhibited and you can even get my thesis on my artist website.
Then I actually started med school and my goal has always been to make an impact for the animals whether through my art or through activism, which I see as one and the same, or through writing. But I am fascinated by medicine and I figured that way, because I have no business sense and no money sense, I figured if I can be a doctor then I can pay for my activism and being an artist and I don’t have to worry about trying to sell stuff because I am awful at that.
But then I also realized, I’m in medical school and I’m going to be doing this 10 plus years by the time everything is done and I am not going to have the time to do activism while I am doing that. And I just really wanted to make an impact as soon as I could. So, very unlike myself, I stopped med school and threw myself into Bite Size Vegan full time with no plan about how that was going to be sustainable which is terrifying and it still is every day but luckily I have people on Patreon who support me and it was really scary even asking for that support and it’s still scary asking for it but it’s made what I do possible because I couldn’t do it without them. So thank you guys, all of you, you’re amazing.
Q: A couple of you wanted to know more about my time in India.
A: When I was an undergrad I went to India twice. The first time I went to study art and culture and then I did a month long independent study project on Indian women’s body image and the perception of beauty from the perspective of Indian women versus what is typical in America. So, kind of comparing those two different beauty ideals, comparing and contrasting.
Then I went back, I coordinated my own internship and I went back and worked with an NGO in Jaipur, Rajasthan and I studied female infanticide and female feticide and how that contributed to adverse sex ratio. India is second only to China with adverse sex ratio meaning that there are more males than females because of sex selective abortion and infanticide, which is less common than the feticide. So, it was a very intense and somewhat depressing experience but, you know I lived there for a while and studied as I went up to the different villages. It’s a very complex topic and I could go on, I could create an entire hour long video on that and I did write a 90 page report on it so.
Q: Another question I got a lot was “Who are your favorite singers or musicians?”
A: I always forget when I try to answer these questions, so I brought up one of my favorite playlists. Definitely the Gorillaz, I have a Gorillaz tattoo. They Might Be Giants is another one of my very favorites and I have my entire sleeve here is about They Might Be Giants–
Q: That’s another questions I get a lot “What about your tattoos?”
A: If you want to know more about my tattoos check out, there’s two videos I have; My Tattoo Tour and My Tattoo Experience of getting my leg piece finished. There’s also the Vegan Tattoo Guide video.
But back to the music question:
The Gorillaz, They Might Be Giants, Ani DiFranco I love her, Tegan and Sara, the XX, Sigur Ros is one of my very favorites so also Jonsi because he is the singer for that but he has his own independent stuff, San Cisco, Lumineers, Kodaline, Iron & Wine, Bright Eyes has some good stuff, Neutral Milk Hotel, crazy, but I love them. The Decemberists, love the Decemberists, Regina Spektor I love her stuff as well. Of course, you gotta like you know old school Die Toten Hosen and Die Aerzte. Cro, German rapper, big fan of him, Beulah is another one of my favorites, Yann Tiersen does really amazing things. He did the soundtrack for Amelie. Detekivbyran is a really good group. Woodkid, love Woodkid. But then I love you know kind of old stuff like The Offspring, still love The Offspring. Girl Talk still has some good stuff for working out especially. Explosions In the Sky, Kate Nash is fun,The Beatles, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Simon and Garfunkel. There’s so many. But there is a smattering for you.
Q: I had a couple of people request about my workout routine when I recently got in shape for the photo shoot.
A: I will be doing videos on those I promise I know it’s been forever, it’s going to happen, I don’t know when. I tend to not prioritize things that are about me and my body, cause there’s more important things than my abs. But I’ll get to them.
Q: Where do I see myself in 5 to 10 years with Bite Size Vegan?
A: Again I would like to have books published. I would like to have the E-Courses out finally. I eventually would like to travel more and lecture. But, again a lot of this is dependent on time I have to figure out a way to not have the channel take up a 100 plus hours a week in order to be able to do those things, so we’ll see. It’s going to be an evolution, stick with me.
I just want to thank each and every one of you for watching, for supporting me, for liking, commenting, subscribing, any of those things to help me get the vegan message out to the best of my abilities. I really want to thank my patrons over on Patreon who are making it possible for me to continue this work. Because since I do work over 100 hours a week I have no ability to do anything else for income. So, you guys literally make this possible.
If you like the video do give it a like and if you’re not subscribed I don’t know why you watched this because you have no idea of who I am. But, I would love for you to subscribe if you want to get to know me more and actually get more education about veganisim, I don’t talk about my business very much. Stay tuned to the channel for more Q&As and other helpful things!
— Emily Moran Barwick
Very interesting to hear about your interests. I loved the History of Veganism you did, that would make a wonderful book. Not only for those of us who are vegans but for people who have an interest in learning.
You have saved a lot of animal lives. Oobe is so funny and loud. She is a precious treasure.