It’s time to get up close and personal! (Don’t be gross!) I open up the firing lines for any inquiries plus new kick-@ss ethical vegan message wear T-shirts are here!
It’s time to get up close and personal. This may be a horrible plan…
My channel is about veganism. Obviously. But as it’s hosted on YouTube, I do get a fair amount of questions about myself, particularly when I open up calls for Q&A questions.
I largely keep my personal life separate from this channel, because Bite Size Vegan is about the message, not the messenger. However, I’ve decided to open it up a Q&A for next Wednesday wherein you can ask anything about me and my life that you desire.
Why am I doing this exactly? Well, next week is Thanksgiving in America (if you’re watching this video around the time it comes out at least). Now I’m not at all a fan of Thanksgiving for several reasons, which you can hear in my video from last year, The Truth About Thanksgiving. However, I wanted to convey my genuine thanks to each and every one of you for your support of my efforts to make an impact on this world for the animals, the planet and the people through vegan education.
So I figured I’d let you ask away! Because I’m going to be traveling I will be filming that video sometime tomorrow, meaning the day after this video is posted, so get your questions in today in the comments below.
In addition, I wanted to let you know that we’re adding some exciting vegan message wear T-Shirts to the Bite Size Vegan District Lines shop, like one of my favorite sayings:
“Be the Someone Who Is Doing Something“
said by me and designed by Laurrianne
“Are Your Eyes Open?”designed by Mattia
This shirt is inspired by my experience with Toronto Pig Save, which you can watch here. And for the truly bite-size vegan,
Bite Size Vegan logo shirt special kids edition
You can nab those shirts at the BSV DL store if you wanna rock out the message.
Thank you so much for your ongoing support. I’m doing my very best to create quality, well researched education, and I’m constantly striving to be effective as possible.
I’m considering returning to some shorter format videos as well, but still not entirely sure how the channel will be evolving. There are so many topics to be covered and so many series that I already have going on! It’s always a challenge balancing quality education with “watchability”
Also, as always, please know that if you’ve emailed me, I have about 1,000 unread emails between my various inboxes and answer all of them personally, so the time delay can be several weeks. I do my best to get to everyone while keeping up with content, comments, social media, and Ooby care. Please be patient and know that I value your messages.
Thank you again so very much for watching, sharing, commenting, subscribing, and all that jazz. And my deepest thanks to my patrons who support my work on Patreon and make it possible for me to bring this free educational resource to the world. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you all. You’re my front line and have my eternal gratitude.
Okay, that’s all the mush for today. Now ask away! (Don’t be gross). And grab some T-shirts! Oh yes…and go live vegan, of course.
Click here to get your shirt now!
— Emily Moran Barwick
We thank you Emily. You are educating people and children.
You are making the world more compassionate.