Easily find answers to your questions about veganism with the new tools & resources on BiteSizeVegan.org. Try out the one-of-a-kind Guided Search, take free eCourses, browse a vegan topics A-Z, and use powerful filters to find just what you need!
Countless hours have gone into rebuilding this website from the ground up to serve as the epicenter of Bite Size Vegan content and resources for the community—so you can find vegan answers easier than over! tweet this I’m excited to give you a tour of the new features.
Powerful Tools for Finding Vegan Answers
I founded Bite Size Vegan on the belief that everyone deserves access to solid, factual information on issues impacting their health, our planet, society, and the lives of other sentient beings. My primary goal for the website was to increase the public’s ability to find and utilize this right-to-know information. tweet this
While I’d already produced a significant body of content and resources, before rebuilding the site, trying to find what you needed was like walking into a library with a big pile of books in the middle of the room. No matter how helpful those books may be, information is only as effective as one’s ability to find it.
The old website’s search was largely useless, and searching on YouTube can often lead one down a less-than-helpful path, to say the least. So I set out to make it easier than ever for non-vegans, new vegans, and activists alike to find exactly what they need. Without boring you with the extensive and time-consuming minutia of such organization, I wanted to highlight the various tools you can use to find vegan answers on BiteSizeVegan.org.
The Guided Search
If I had to select a single aspect of the new website about which I’m the most excited, it would be what I call the Guided Search. The Guided Search is my brainchild—a concept I’ve had in mind for years, and finally was able to implement. It’s unlike any website or Google search you’ve tried. tweet this
When someone is looking into veganism, whether they’re a vegan-curious non-vegan or a new vegan struggling to answer the questions of friends and family, it can be daunting to impossible to find resources specific to their situation. How do you come up with the correct search terms for what can often be a vast array of questions and concerns?
I wanted to address this issue by creating a search that guides the user through a series of easy-to-answer questions designed to assess their needs and provides them with custom-curated content and resources. In the end, you’re able to save your results, and even add a custom note for yourself or for a friend or family if you created the results page for them.
The Guided Search can be used in so many ways. Whether you’re looking for yourself, or wanting to make a resource sheet for someone else, all you have to do is answer the questions.
Another cool aspect about the Guided Search is that the results pages are “living”—meaning that as new Bite Size Vegan content is added that fits the parameters, it will automatically appear on the saved pages. So you can keep the page bookmarked rather than having to run the search again once new resources are available.
I built the Guided Search by hand, piece-by-piece, and am so excited for you to try it out!
Browse by Topic
Another massive enhancement to finding relevant content is the ability to browse by topic through an A-Z of veganism.
The site currently has over 500 vegan topics, from animals and activism, to health and nutrition, to ethics and environment, to family and society, and more!
The topics page is also where you’re able to browse through Topical Series, like Videos for Kids, Vegan Nutrition Concerns, The History of Veganism, Draw my Life, and more. Try browsing by topic.
Browse all Content
Finally, the third way to find what you’re looking for is the Browse All Content feature, which allows you to apply powerful filters to find content by audience, category, content type, series, and keywords.
You can combine multiple filters for even more specific results. So, let’s say you want to find videos that mention dairy, are appropriate for kids, geared towards non-vegans, and are interviews (see that combination here). There are so many ways you can narrow down your search.
As a bonus, I ensured that when you run your filters, the search alters the URL in your browser. This way, you can bookmark your results when you’re done and always come back to them, or share them with someone else.
Just like the Guided Search results page, your bookmarked results will automatically update with any new content that matches your search. Try browsing all content.
Free Vegan eCourses
One of the most exciting features of the new BiteSizeVegan.org is online courses. My intention has always been for Bite Size Vegan content to serve as lasting educational resources; an eCourse setting creates a far more meaningful engagement with the information than just watching the video.
I’ve learned through my activism that what really makes things “click” for people is when they’re given the space and tools to process information on their own. My aim with Bite Size Vegan has always been to provide information in an accessible format, allowing people to evaluate the sources for themselves in a non-threatening environment.
Each lesson has a quiz for you to test your knowledge. But there’s no pressure—you can take them as many times as you’d like, and you’ll receive feedback on any incorrect answers
All courses are completely free. To take your learning to the next level, check out the current courses!
Get Started Guides for Every Stage of Your Vegan Journey
While I’ve covered hundreds of topics in my videos and articles, I felt Bite Size Vegan was lacking foundational guideposts for the various stages of veganism. I wanted to create more comprehensive written guides to address this need.
Currently the guide on “How to Go Vegan” is available, and takes you through where to start, what to expect, how to address nutritional concerns, where and how to shop for food, and how to remember your “why”—the reason you are going vegan.
I’m working on the other guides, which will address why to be vegan; how to stay vegan amidst all the challenges of social situations, family and more; and how to get started in activism.
On each guide’s page, you can sign up to be notified when it becomes available.
In Closing…
I cannot express how excited I am to share the new website with you. So much time, energy, and—let’s be honest—lost sanity went into rebuilding BiteSizeVegan.org from the ground up.
I so hope you enjoy the new features. Please do share the website’s resources and tools with everyone. Maybe put together a Guided Search results page for a friend or family member, or send the “How to Go Vegan” guide to anyone you know who’s wanting to make the change, but struggling with how.
I’d love to hear what you think of the new site. I’m looking forward to growing and developing it more and more, and hope you’re along the journey with me.
To stay in the loop about new Bite Size Vegan content and updates, remember to subscribe to the newsletter or follow the Telegram channel for the most reliable notifications. Now go live vegan, and I’ll see you soon.
— Emily Moran Barwick
Thanks for everything, Emily. I appreciate your work and your dedication, you’re so good! You’re helping me a lot with my activism at Anonymous for the Voiceless.
Carry on!
Thank you so much, Alessia! I’m honored to have any role in your journey into activism :) Really appreciate you sharing this with me!
(Also, I hope it’s okay, but I went ahead and confirmed your comment reply subscription so you’d know that I replied to you!)
I’ve posted your videos on Whole Food Plant Based Community for years. I feel this broadens the awareness further. I am particularly interested in your children’s content as change begins with the child. I am writing a children’s book on a plant’s life.
Thank you so much, Jane. I appreciate you helping to share my content. And my content for kids is very near and dear to my heart. Glad to hear that you’re also helping educate! All the best to you!
(Also, I hope it’s okay, but I went ahead and confirmed your comment reply subscription so you’d know that I replied to you!)
I’m so thrilled that I found out about your site when I saw your YouTube vid in my subscription notifications! You built a really nice site and it’s especially impressive that you did it all on your own without having a background in web development. Thank you for putting your effort into making all this great content Emily!
Wow thank you, Davsy. That means a great deal to me. I’m so glad the video alerted you to the website! I really hope you and others find the site helpful. I really poured my heart and soul into making the site be a free resource for the community!
Love the new site. It is so easier to access the information we are looking for. I like that bookmarked results will automatically update, so very helpful.
It is a labor of love, Emily, and we love you for all you do to educate so many people and your undying commitment to stop the suffering of innocent beings that we share the planet with and have just as much right as we humans do to live.
Sally, thank you—as always—for such thoughtful and encouraging feedback. I’m so honored that you find the site helpful and appreciate the “living results” aspect. I really did try to make the tools and resources as functional and dynamic as possible. I will be continuing enhance the various aspects of the site overtime. Many thanks for taking the time to comment!
Yay, Emily!!!! You helped me so much when I first went vegan, I was first plant based (facepalm), albeit important in my journey, not the same as going vegan. I only wish I had done it sooner! Your videos helped me to understand so much, I am so happy to see your new website and to have heard you speak on the Annual Humane Hoax Webinar. I am excited/eager for my vegan curious 6 year old niece to check out all the kids content.
You are loved and appreciated so much, by people you don’t even know! Keep going, thank you!!! :)
…Animal Agriculture exploits animals and exploits female reproductive systems, and usually the most gentle animals on earth. Why not vegan?
Whitney, thank you SO much for sharing this with me. I am so incredibly honored to have had any role in your journey. Thank you for joining the Humane Hoax conference, as well! I’m grateful to have been a part of it. I’m also thrilled for your niece to check out the kids content too! For some guidance, this is the “Videos for Kids” series (one of which currently has an eCourse). And you can see all content appropriate for kids (including eCourses…more to come) here (which is the Browse all Content with the kid filter on.)
Thank you so very much for taking the time to write this. I cannot tell you what it means to me. I will treasure your words.
Emily, thank you deeply for your very user-friendly and information-filled website. I found your site when I attended the (2022) Annual Humane Hoax Webinar (which I found after attending the Hidden: Animals in the Anthropocene webinar). Lifelong (adulthood) vegetarian… I did not know there was so much I was unaware of (and needed to know) prior to these two events. I thank you additionally for your acceptance and welcome of people regardless of where they are in their journey toward making the world a compassionate place for non-human animals. You have made the world a less lonesome place.
Jennifer, thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. I am touched and honored by your words. I’m so glad that you found my presentation helpful! And I am extremely passionate about veganism being accessible to everyone. Many thanks!