Is there such a thing as humane dairy? The source of milk is no big secret: it comes from cows. But that’s about as far back as most people trace milk’s journey to our refrigerated grocery case.
Recommended Posts for vegetarians
The truth about eggs in under 4 minutes. Eggs are an everyday staple for people all around the world. Beyond their polished surfaces and convenient packaging lies the truth of their production. In the harsh light of reality, the everyday is revealed as extreme.
Why EGGS Are Never Humane | Babies In A Blender
What does "cage-free" eggs mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.
What Does Cage-Free Eggs Mean?
Is it okay to eat eggs from backyard or rescued chickens? If chickens are well cared for, what’s the harm in eating their eggs? A new dietary group called "Veggans" believes that eating eggs can be ethical and healthy.
Can Vegans Eat Eggs From Backyard Chickens? VEGGANS?!
A shocking expose on the deep corruption, shameless lies, and illegal activities of the egg Industry in the United States. You won’t believe the lengths the American Egg Board, USDA, and egg industry as a whole will go to for a profit.
The Great Egg Conspiracy: Lies, Corruption & Kevin Bacon
Ever wonder why vegans are so sensitive about things? Or why we seem to overreact so often? As a vegan, I’ve made this video in an attempt to show non-vegans what we see that makes as behave as we do. This is not a judgment and it’s not graphic. It’s simply me sharing what I see
What Vegans See | A Post for Non-Vegans
Humans have long used our ability to experience complex emotions to distinguish ourselves from other animals. But is this ability really isolated to our species? And if non-human animals do have the capacity to emote, what does that say about how we treat them?
Do Animals Grieve?
What is the difference between veganism and vegetarianism? Is vegetarianism really a healthy, animal-friendly and moral way of living? Join Gary Yourofsky and me for a closer look at the critical differences between these two ways of life.
Vegan vs. Vegetarian
All Posts for vegetarians
Should Vegans Empathize with Meat-Eaters?
Can empathy bridge the gap between vegans and meat-eaters? Learn effective strategies for constructive communication, like validating core values and subverting stereotypes. And why the most effective way to reach people about veganism may be to stop trying to make them vegan.
Read more about Should Vegans Empathize with Meat-Eaters? -
Why Vegans WON’T Tell You They’re Vegan: The Other Side of Vegan Stigma
How do you know someone’s vegan? You probably won’t! Find out why many vegans hide their veganism and how their silence harms all of us. And the potential solution may not be what you’d expect. Essentially, we need to evolve towards a world without vegans.
Read more about Why Vegans WON’T Tell You They’re Vegan: The Other Side of Vegan Stigma -
The Science of Why People Hate Vegans
Despite growing public awareness and concern over how animals are treated in our food industry, vegans are still not well-received by the general public. Discover what research reveals about why people hate vegans. The reasons may not be what you expect!
Read more about The Science of Why People Hate Vegans -
Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan?
Is horse riding cruel? Can vegans ride horses? The ethics of horse riding remains an extremely controversial and divisive topic. Dive deep into the debate and learn why the question of whether riding hurts horses distracts from the more important ethical issues of horse use.
Read more about Is Horse Riding Cruel? Is It Vegan? -
This Speech Will Change How You See Everything
This speech sheds light on aspects of our food system that are deliberately hidden—allowing you to make truly informed choices. By highlighting how you already hold the core values of veganism, the information in this speech empowers you to align your actions with your existing values.
Read more about This Speech Will Change How You See Everything -
Can Veganism Solve World Hunger? An Honest Answer
Does the claim that veganism can solve world hunger ignore the complexity of food insecurity? Why is hunger on the rise even though we have more than enough food? Find out where our food is going and get an honest answer to world hunger.
Read more about Can Veganism Solve World Hunger? An Honest Answer